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From Vader to Lando, capes are the fashion choice for many in the STAR WARS universe. We listen to Moff Gideon actor Giancarlo Esposito discuss the cape he wears as Moff Gideon on THE MANDALORIAN and try to think off the tops of our heads of all the STAR WARS characters who wear capes.

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Capes in STAR WARS

From Vader to Lando, capes are the fashion choice for many in the STAR WARS universe. We listen to Moff Gideon actor Giancarlo Esposito discuss the cape he wears as Moff Gideon on THE MANDALORIAN and try to think off the tops of our heads of all the STAR WARS characters who wear capes. #starwars #mandalorian #podcast #rebelforceradio #lando #giancarloesposito #capetown From Rebel Force Radio 1/27/23: https://youtu.be/9086uD9Vwu4 GET FULL SHOW VIDEO at RFR on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/RebelForceRadio OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://www.rebelforceradio.com FACEBOOK - Like RFR! https://www.facebook.com/rebelforceradio TWITTER - Follow RFR! https://twitter.com/RFRRebelForce INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rebelforceradio



One that was missed in the show … Phasma! An underrated character. Her canon novel is a super read. 👌🏼


Thanks for the recommendation! Almost done brotherhood was looking for a new read 👍


Hoping so! As a avid Reader of both comics and books, I'm kinda disappointed in some of the material. And they are supposed to all tie in??? Cause they are ruining their characters for me in some. Example I read a Darth Vader marvel arc where ochi is always dancing around and acting like vaders jester...but then I read shadows of the sith and ochi is like some deadly assasin that is ultra serious. Who is the real ochi Disney???? But do you have any book recommendations? Love to have some more Mtfbwy