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The Mount Rushmore of STAR WARS  

Fans love to rank the STAR WARS films based on their likes and dislikes. RFR V.I.P. Mike Aragon has come up with a different twist by creating a "Mount Rushmore" of STAR WARS. You will find the choices made on which films are represented on this "Mount Rushmore" is judged on a slightly different criteria than simply personal preferences. Plus, looking forward to AHSOKA and how it will tie into THE MANDALORIAN. We also talk about LEGO Star Wars, Action figure grading, collecting, and how radio experiences of the past influence RFR today.



The Mount Rushmore of STAR WARS Fans love to rank the STAR WARS films based on their likes and dislikes. RFR V.I.P. Mike Aragon has come up with a different twist by creating a "Mount Rushmore" of STAR WARS. You will find the choices made on which films are represented on this "Mount Rushmore" is judged on a slightly different criteria than simply personal preferences. Plus, looking forward to AHSOKA and how it will tie into THE MANDALORIAN. We also talk about LEGO Star Wars, Action figure grading, collecting, and how radio experiences of the past influence RFR today.


Quinnton PNW

I couldn't access the video when I clicked on the link.

Scott Osterkamp

Mike great idea! Hard to put up a solid 4 because generations have favorites. Interesting to see if more comment on this, but 1st I saw was ROTJ and that would be on mine. Thanks for feeding the thought!


Good listen. Enjoyed the comments re those who claim to love Star Wars but have no idea outside the “3” movies. (Ie the man with the life size han in carbonite etc) Feel we gonna get a bit of that with mando fans shortly who may not even have any concept of the original 3 let alone some of the other masterpieces in the EU. Guess we should embrace them rather than resent but my obsessive side wants them to see it all. Like the Mount Rushmore concept too. Thanks for a good listen.

Turtle Wars

While driving home from a conference near Ashville, NC today, I caught up on a couple of Q&A's I hadn't listened to yet. I enjoyed "The Mt. Rushmore" take on ranking the movies. I am undecided on whether or not I think the Clone Wars "movie" should be included. I wonder, if it was included primarily because it was a theatrical release, there are several others that should probably also be included (including different versions, 3D, etc.). But as I was listening, everything Jimmy was saying was exactly what I was thinking as he was saying it. I've seen every movie in the theater since Star Wars 1977. My 4 have to be the OT and ROTS because those are the foundation for all of Star Wars and provide all of the major baseline data for everything. I am also torn between TPM and ROTS being my fourth for some of the same reasons Jimmy describes and what that new era of Star Wars meant to me and my personal story of where I was at the time and how I got to the theater to see it when it came out. And I just think it was a really cool movie, there are a lot of things about it for me to like. I'm looking forward to the next Mt. Rushmore you guys do with the TV series. I can easily see the epilogue of the last episode of Rebels being 4 or 5 years after the events of ROTJ based on Sabine's narration and what is depicted onscreen. Thanks for the fun discussion!