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From the mines of Mandalore to the hushed corners of Coruscant society, Chapter 19 of THE MANDALORIAN offers a fascinating look into the state of the galaxy during the early days of the New Republic. Don't miss RFR's THE MANDALORIAN After Show Livestream Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET as we break it all down, complete with your comments and phone calls.


THE MANDALORIAN After Show LIVE #19: "The Convert"

** NOTE: Schedule change this week ** From the mines of Mandalore to the hushed corners of Coruscant society, Chapter 19 of THE MANDALORIAN offers a fascinating look into the state of the galaxy during the early days of the New Republic. Don't miss RFR's THE MANDALORIAN After Show Livestream Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET as we break it all down, complete with your comments and phone calls. #starwars #aftershow #rebelforceradio #rfr #mandalorian #grogu #babyyoda #themandalorian #thisistheway Brought to you by RFR on Patreon! RFR on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/RebelForceRadio OFFICIAL WEBSITE: https://www.rebelforceradio.com FACEBOOK - Like RFR! https://www.facebook.com/rebelforceradio TWITTER - Follow RFR! https://twitter.com/RFRRebelForce INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/rebelforceradio


Jeff Holland

Woo hoo! Can’t wait. Kick the tires, and light the fires Big Daddy! Can’t wait to drink some beers, eat some travel biscuits and listen to fellas talk The Wars!

Quinnton PNW

You guys broke a record. Longest After Show so far!

Bolder Boulder

Another good After Show. No wonder you guys are the #1 SW podcast in the galaxy! Also, thanks for making the Ad free tier recently! It’s a good deal compared to other podcasts

Martin Labak

Hi guys, another great episode, as always. Just wanted to fill in some blanks in regards to the first order ships. Post TFA, Kylo Ren pilots the TIE Whisper which is a modified version of the special forces TIE fighter. It also takes after the imperial TIE Interceptor when it comes to the wings. Additionally, First order TIE Bombers were introduced in the Star Wars Allegiance graphic novel. These bombers seemed to be suped up from their imperial predecessors and the wings slant outwards.

Randy Koch

Just wanted to add my 2cents, I don't believe that Bokatan honestly had time to process and tell Din about the Mythisaur. (Takes breath after run on sentence) I predict she will tell Din in private that she saw it. This secret she will keep from the Covert.


Thank-you superchat peeps and everyone who called in to the show - making it an epic event! Loved hearing all the diverse opinions. Super mention to Jason, who co-hosted having not long suffered with covid; you’re a star!


My favorite Mando episode ever! Incredible writing. It felt like an Andor-level script, with a sky high blockbuster budget. Amazing character moments, character growth, and contributions to the major canon. Introduced new questions, and left me hungry for more. Shaping up to be the best season of Mando yet!!

Steven M DuBrey

I am also very unhappy with this season’s score. This show needs some oxygen!

Steven M DuBrey

Smart discussion of Thrawn. I bet this is the beginning of early strike and retreat attacks from the unknown regions.

Steven M DuBrey

Jason coaching Blake on the mute. “Cough Button”. 🥰 Teach that lil guy to be pro!!