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But that doesn't mean the movie isn't happening! 

Lindelof and Britt-Gibson turned in a draft of the script in mid-February and parted ways with the project just days later, according to sources. Lucasfilm already has a new writer on board, though ATL was unable to ascertain their identity, and production is slated to start in February 2024 ahead of the film’s planned release date on Dec. 19, 2025.

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BREAKING NEWS: Damon Lindelof Exits STAR WARS - Rebel Force Radio: Star Wars Podcast

Another shakeup at Lucasfilm. Above The Line reports: There has been a disturbance in the force, as screenwriters Damon Lindelof and Justin Britt-Gibson have exited the Star Wars project that Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy remains slated to direct, Above the Line has exclusively learned.


Jeffrey Van Dyke

Really a shame. I like Damon personally a lot and feel he had the right reverence for Star Wars.

Yancy Evans

But Lindelof was supposed to be the brains behind the production and was effectively the producer. Amazing.

Randy Koch

Am I missing what they were slated to do. Or were they waiting for celebration to announce what they were working on?

Rebel Force Radio

The rumors started last summer and were spread by very reputable sources. Lindelof confirmed his involvement YESTERDAY with this statement: “I will just say, that for reasons that I can’t get into on this Sunday morning, on this day, the degree of difficulty is extremely, extremely, extremely high,” said Lindelof. “If it can’t be great, it shouldn’t exist. That’s all I’ll say, because I have the same association with it as you do, which is, it’s the first movie I saw sitting in my dad’s lap, four years old, May of ’77. I think it’s possible that sometimes when you hold something in such high reverence and esteem, you start to get in the kitchen and you just go, ‘Maybe I shouldn’t be cooking. Maybe I should just be eating.’ We’ll just leave it at that.”

RobO from ChicagO

Just give Filoni and Favs the green light to spearhead the tv and film future. The clown circus is annoying.

Yancy Evans

The thing that’s hysterical is clearly LFL was leaking to the trades that Lindelof’s movie was going to be revealed at Celebration. Obvious;y the film is still a go, but this is yet another own goal.

Rebel Force Radio

"The degree of difficulty is extremely, extremely, extremely high,” said Lindelof. “If it can’t be great, it shouldn’t exist." -- SO, does this mean Lucasfilm is going to plow ahead with a film concept that Lindelof has condemned publicly? Or is everything back to square one?

Jared Duhon

This is insane


Give Lucas a billion for his Museum and make him do another trilogy.

Joseph Tavano

Frankly, I'm not surprised, and I'm relieved. Lindelof can't write an ending. He's never been able to. Look at everything he's done. From Lost to Watchmen, his endings have either sucked or they are cuts to black or they are so ambiguous you get no resolution. It's all a cop out. So I think we were spared. No more big name Hollywood people. Star Wars and story should come first first, producers, directors and crew should come second.

Brian Robinson

I wouldn't be surprised if "The Acolyte" gets delayed or canceled. I foresee a possible shakeup with their creatives too.

Brian Robinson

Greatly improved upon a basic concept/developed story, or square one. Just my opinion.

Brandon B

I agree 100%. Just scrap all current film plans. So many different creatives are tied to so many different films that I can't even keep track anymore. Give complete control for a new triology to Filoni and Favreau.

Blake Weaver

Remember that scene in Revenge of the Sith when Anakin is crashing the giant ship that’s barely flyable into Coruscant? That’s how I view modern Lucasfilm.

Eric from Phoenix

Can we just be done with the current marketing mess? Please don’t announce any new movies or leak information until the script / concept is green lit and a director is attached. Script should be completed. Just ridiculous this keeps happening.

Blake Weaver

It blows my mind that with a company like Disney that this much of a mess could continue for so long and no one be held accountable at Lucasfilm. How so many of those people still have jobs blows my mind. Not that I want people to be unemployed but I know with my job in the real world so much chaos wouldn’t be allowed.

Martin Lampen

This film will never happen

JR Eaton

I don’t necessarily think it’s the concept that isn’t good, maybe he just couldn’t write something that he felt did it justice so someone else is gonna give it a go. But we have no clue what that concept is, it’s all speculation.

Rav Vadgama

Never in the history of film has anyone given a crap about celebrity writers or directors changing. So fed up of hearing about a Lindelof movie or a Taika movie. It should be a STAR WARS MOVIE.