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We review THE MANDALORIAN season 3 with new behind-the-scenes info and interviews with the cast and crew via DISNEY GALLERY. We have highlights from Jon Favreau, Dave Filoni, Doug Chaing, Jack Black and more! We look ahead to the upcoming STAR WARS film featuring Daisy Ridley as Kathy Kennedy claims Rey made "a promise to Luke Skywalker" and we try to figure out exactly what the hell she's talking about. Plus, listener feedback about Dark Siders escaping death, the potential of a live action Capt. Rex in AHSOKA and more!

RFR All Access: Look for the Full Show Video coming soon! 



Kirk Leppert

I’m cracking up over Jimmy Mac’s Jack Black segment!! PS-Jimmy, you gotta watch The Bear. I’m watching season 2 right now, it’s a love letter to Chicago!


my first time using the patreon access. I love RFR


This was a refreshing behind the scenes. Showing Dave’s passion for this whole universe always re-amplifies my fandom

Ben P. Stein

Just started listening, and wow, thanks for the shoutout, Jimmy! It is always a pleasure doing the Qs and As with you!

Antonio from NJ

Great user call on the dark side fueling ones ability to survive. I don't see it as a bonus but a reflection of the differences between light side users and dark side users. If I'm correct, dark side users don't believe in an afterlife, they don't believe in becoming one with the force. It's all about the hear and now. Its their anger to survive and thrive because of the fear that there's nothing else after this.

Peter Beisser

Sad something happened with Pedro. He seems like a great guy. Would have liked to have seen things go in the opposite direction where you would see him a majority of the time without the helmet. Obviously, not to be for various reasons. But his absence in this making of the guys talk about this week is interesting and a bummer.


Jimmy Mac …. Your comment about the X-Wings dropping the fireworks above Endor … YES!!!!!!!! Just yes my man! I always get that from watching the ending of RoTJ! Super episode guys! I wish all the US based RFR fans a happy 4th of July when it comes, all the way from Scotland. 🇺🇸🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


There is a a big difference between Maul/Vader and Reva/Grand Inquisitor. The first two are Sith Lords and the other two are just dark Jedi.

Eric from Phoenix

Great discussion as always. Not pulling a Comicbook Guy here but the creature that Dave's daughter saw at Galaxies Edge is a Dianoga. The eye stalk is visible every so many minutes (not sure on time). It is located in the tube with liquid right above the drinking fountains by the bathrooms in the shop area of Galaxies Edge. It's one of my favorite things to look for each time we go there. Last year when we were there (March or May) it wasn't working. There was no tag at the end of the show this week, when was the last time that happened? I always try guessing what Jim will put at the end.

Sean W. from Warsaw

Just finished listening and finally got around to commenting. You're absolutely right, man. I remember that was a big theme of the Yoda arc from the Lost Missions Clone Wars (aka Season 6), when Yoda confronts the vision of Darth Bane. I seem to recall either Bane or the strange beings sent to assault Yoda trying to get into his head tempting him with the fear that this mortal world is all there is. The same idea crops up in the novelization to ROTS, when Qui-gon talks to Yoda, and he says something about how the Sith will never achieve immortality. It's all about letting go and giving up oneself, not holding on. With the whole Reva thing, it honestly never really bothered me too much given the precedent of Maul, Palpatine (going way back to Dark Empire, even), or even other characters from the old EU like Darth Sion from KOTOR 2. Sion was a charred and broken husk of a being who couldn't seem to die because of his unquenchable hatred. Never had a problem with any of these things all my years as a SW fan. I've always recognized that there's something supernatural going on with the spirit inside a Sith or darksider. The catch is that they can't do these things indefinitely--and that they pay the price with their very souls in the end. It's like in TROS when Palpatine tells Rey that his spirit will be in her body: He doesn't really have anything left to speak of for a spirit without the body, having transmuted his own out into the world in a vain effort to live forever, destroying body and soul alike, so that he had to keep trying to make clones or steal other people's bodies. Something tells me that channeling one's own spiritual energy through the Force to heal yourself via hatred for your enemies just consumes your spirit energy until there's nothing left. What happened to folks like the Inquisitor or Maul or the Emperor is hardly a "reward," in that light. It's damnation, pure and simple. It goes back to what Yoda taught Luke in ESB: The dark side will consume you and dominate you. That doesn't sound like a welcoming, warm and fuzzy thing like a reward. It doesn't give so much as it takes, until it takes everything. Sure, you might get a cool bonus like what the aforementioned characters got--for a while. But something tells me that those are the real parlor tricks, not something as serious as what Yoda teaches to Obi-wan in how to commune with the spirit of Qui-gon (and even how Leia passes this on to Rey). Swank made the comment that seemed like a cheap parlor trick, but communing takes faith as much as it does meditation and hope in more than a mere mortal life. Clearly, that's not something easy to do or more would be doing it. Eventually, the darksiders who think they can get away with their tricks won't have the spirit left to pull it off. Then that's it for them. They've never been one with the Force, like you said, Antonio, but rather in rebellion against it. The idea being that they think they're stronger than the Force and the natural way of the world. The cosmic energy then would swallow them up, being far greater than they, because they weren't in harmony with it like Yoda, Obi-wan, Qui-gon, Anakin, Luke and Leia were. These latter figures have the actual reward. But they had to forego the trickery of the darksiders to get there. Had to let go of the material and all the rage, etc. And they didn't have to prey on the weak to get it. Anyways, sorry this is so rambling, but the whole Reva conversation really strikes a nerve with me and gets me thinking on the metaphysicality of the Force and what Lucas was always going for. Gotta love it!

Sean W. from Warsaw

Thanks! Y'know, I wonder what it really takes for a darksider to maintain their bodies after severe injuries. Is the would really healed up? Or do they have to hold onto their rage and keep it up to sustain themselves? If they stop, does the wound return? I've wondered this about Vader a bit: Did he die because his life support shut down from the electricity from the Emperor, or did he die because he let go of all the anger, etc he had been channeling for decades after his son finally reached through to him? So, to bring it all back to Reva, here's what I think was going on: I think Vader's wound both times I'm her life was indeed critical. She was gonna die both times. I don't think the integrity of the lightsaber is at all compromised because she survived any more than I think it was because Maul survived, or Kylo Ren, for that matter. What happened with Reva, love it or hate it, is that her personal vengeful hatred of Vader drove her to an extreme survival instinct that utilized her spirit energy. I think spirit energy is integrally linked to the body in SW, as we see with Vader and the Emperor's survival. It's a supernatural link with miraculous abilities when focused right. She discovered this by herself, probably, by desperation and fear of death. She utilized it again the second time with Vader--but by having the drive to murder Luke. I wonder what she had to do the first time to stay alive.... What dark deeds did she enact as the price for living? When she is redeemed at the end of the Kenobi series, is she now actually going to die now that she let go? Will she be crippled the rest of her life, needing life support? Did the wound stay healed, or will she succumb to the injury in some form? This seems like the right way for it to go. We just don't know.

Sean W. from Warsaw

I just remembered something that seems to prove my point: Remember how in the Clone Wars series how Savage Oppress was created? And then remember how died? He was literally beefed up from dark side energy--but when he died, he shrank back down to size as all that energy left him. Also, wasn't Maul healed up by the Nightsisters at one point in a similar way? I remember his spider legs were transformed to more normal robot legs; and his mind was returned to a more "normal" state, too. All by the Force. All of that came from the mind of Lucas himself, right? So I really don't see how any of that can be seen as "silly," as Swank termed it. If Lucas says it or directly approves it, that's just the way it is in SW, love it or hate it.