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Timothy Dalton returned to the role of 007 for his second and final time in 1989's LICENCE TO KILL. The film is non-stop action from beginning to end as James Bond attempts to foil a drug cartel who uses gasoline tankers, casinos and Wayne Newton as covers. Featuring 2 Bond girls, great villains, action for Q in the field, and some of the most brutal violence ever depicted in the franchise, this film gives us a lot to talk about!



Jamie Bruno

You guys just made my day 🙂

Rebel Force Radio

I told Scott St. Louis at the Galloping Ghost that I would try to get the show posted before his flight back to Boston today. Not sure I made the deadline.

Brooks P

A surprise yes, but a welcome one!

Brian Robinson

I always pause with License to Kill, thinking it should be LICENSE to ILL.

Eric from Phoenix

Awesome!! I can’t repel content of this magnitude. Seriously, I’m so far behind :)

Justin Harrell

Jason's voice impressions really help me to picture which actor they are discussing while driving.

Rick B

Great podcast, glad it's back!

Eric from Phoenix

Great discussion guys! I couldn’t agree more with Jason. I hate that Bond died in the last movie. I get why they did it but I hate that they did it. Both FBI agents from Die Hard are in this Bond movie. I always made the connection with Robert but never the other guy. Dalton was great as Bond and I loved him in Flash Gordon and The Rocketeer. The Rocketeer was such an underrated movie. So good and directed by a Star Wars alum. At the time I wasn’t a big fan of this movie. Not sure why if it was too dark? I need to go back and watch it again and glad that the movies can be found on Amazon.