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Thrawn and Elsbeth attempt to stay one step ahead of Ahsoka this week as Baylan seeks his own path in the new galaxy. Join us for a breakdown of this penultimate episode of AHSOKA on the RFR After Show livestream WEDNESDAY Sept 27 at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT / 5 PT) only on YouTube. We invite you to watch, listen, chat and call in with your thoughts, theories and observations


AHSOKA After Show Livestream – Part 7: Dreams and Madness

Thrawn and Elsbeth attempt to stay one step ahead of Ahsoka this week as Baylan seeks his own path in the new galaxy. Join us for a breakdown of this penultimate episode of AHSOKA on the RFR After Show livestream WEDNESDAY Sept 27 at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT / 5 PT) only on YouTube. We invite you to watch, listen, chat and call in with your thoughts, theories and observations #starwars #aftershow #ahsokaaftershow #livestream #tunein #rebelforceradio #rfr #ahsoka #hera #sabine #ezra #thrawn #rebels #dreamsandmadness #filoni


Travis Brooks

Tuning in. Absolutely!

Turtle Wars

Unfortunately I won’t be able to make the After Show tonight. It will be the first one I’ve missed in a long time. But I have a concert to attend this evening. I’ll have to listen to this late tonight on my drive home or tomorrow morning. I’m curious to hear how everyone feels about episode 7.


This has been my more fave episodes. And the Ezra actor is nailing his character!

CB Phantom

WASSUP with Sabines hicky????

Eric from Phoenix

Oh my gosh. I thought I saw that too but just shrugged it off as I’m “seeing things”. I never went back and checked it

CB Phantom

Don’t be surprised Jimmy Mac! He wants Sabine for his new apprentice!!!!

Caffeinated Diabetic

Jason and Jimmy, watch Rebels Season 3 Episode 3, start around the 8:00 minute mark (fast forward to 8:30 to skip ahead if you want), and listen to this part! It's the answer to the lightsaber issue you had in this episode!

CB Phantom

SWANK IS OFF THE HOOK TONIGHT!!! Stab Mac with &@@&@@ light saber! I’m ROLLING!!!

mickyity split

I was going to war in chat tonight, i definitely will be leaving a voicemail for yall this week now!! LOL great show guys!


My Ep8 Prediction: The heroes do a Han Solo (Empire) and secretly hitch a ride on Thrawn's Star Destroyer


Great after show this week gents. It makes me want to re-watch whar was an otherwise muddling episode for me. I'm still trying to hold back my feelings about this first series as a whole until we've got the whole but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in it. Grand Admiral Thrawn has been a huge let-down for me. There's no gravity to him - he's nothing like the original Zahn incarnation from the 90's which has been the benchmark for me for so long. Baylan Skoll has been a far and away more compelling antagonist but even with him, I feel like the air has gradually been escaping from his tyres. There have been some good moments in this season but they haven't been oh-wow moments. I like how Filoni has drawn from classic mythology to construct Ahsoka's transformation/rebirth. Her moments with Anakin had some really emotional beats. I've been less enamoured with her relationship with Sabine. It's just not hitting the mark for me. The New Republic appears kinda plastic and almost comical at times. There's no real weight to it. No gravity. Again, I will re-watch the season when we have all 8 episodes side by side and see if I see it differently.

Brian Frith

Personally, I’d be lost watching Ashoka without these after-shows. I’m 50/50 on the enjoyment of this series. Love the visual effects and Ray Stevenson’s character. Rosario is really good. Sadly, I don’t feel much threat from Thrawn. Why didn’t he just have Ashoka and the crew blasted with a massive cannon from his massive Star Destroyer? End Credits - thank you. This game of chess because he’s so masterfully clever is boring. A bit of actual threat would be interesting. Hey, just my option. Great show RFR.

Myles Fletcher

I’m just a bit shocked and disappointed with how quick you guys are to tear into this show. It’s ok not to like it. I’m all for being critical and not being a shill to Disney. But if this show came out a few years ago I feel like it would have taken time to simmer before you discussed your gripes. It feels like maybe Star Wars exhaustion? It’s just a bit disheartening to come into this after show excited about what I just saw and not find you excited too. I may have to stop listening to these unfortunately. You’re even starting to attack the listeners. Maybe it’s because you feel attacked yourselves and I guarantee that doesn’t feel good for you. But it’s not making for enjoyable listening.

RobO from ChicagO

That’s unfortunately how I feel with all new Star Wars… I don’t feel any “threat” and when the heroes are in a jam I’m not worried about them dieing due to plot armour or lightsabers to the gut being nothing now. Hell! Kill one of the damn turtle people at least!

Brian Frith

I’ve been quiet until the penultimate episode of the series so I’m not really being all that quick to tear into it. It’s just my opinion and shouldn’t take anything away from your enjoyment of the show. I’m sure it doesn’t. Just my view on it. I love watching Andor but that’s not for everyone either.