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As we continue to unpack AHSOKA, there are questions, observations and speculation amongst all STAR WARS fans. RFR V.I.P. Joe Dallas is back on the Q&A with "a few things about Ahsoka" including comments about Ahsoka, Sabine and The Dancing Thrawns. Plus, Joe has another Top Ten List, this time, "Top 10 Things Purgills have in common with Earth whales and eels, maybe". 



Tyler Page

Joe! These are always a blast!

Tanya S

Can’t wait to listen!

Maddie G

Where do I sign up for Joe Dallas’ Top Ten monthly column? Next time Jimmy should come prepared with a Top Ten Joe Dallas moments!


Joe Dallas for Supreme Chancellor 2024


The difference between the two "Ahsoka the white" scenes is easily explainable. Everybody compare this with Gandalf in LOTR but it's not the same at all. Ahsoka change her suit because her black one was wet and her white suit was just un a drawer in his ship that is all. So the scene in rebels could be Ahsoka that come to take Sabin as her padawan and it happens that she was wearing her white suit at this moment and the scene in the Ahsoka show is not the same.


I believe you’d be a benevolent leader

Scott St. Louis

That was just plain fun. I wish more of your Ahsoka predictions came true. Every week I was looking for you, Jimmy and a T-Rex in the background. Hopefully Skeleton Crew has a Q-Bert cameo at least. Great show!

Orange County Carlos

If you find a ridiculous price at target, they will definitely price match. Their online prices or Amazons. Let the cashier know or even at self check out. The more ya know. Anyways, love me a Joe Dallas show, already can’t wait for the next one.

Joe Dallas

That’s good to know. Can you imagine living in a world where the nearest target is almost 3 hours away! 😂 I take a lot of trips though…. Great to hear from ya man.

Matt Rashid

That was a fun show, Joe. Great job

Sean W. from Warsaw

Hey Joe! Looking forward to listening at some point. My daughter was just born so I'm playing a little catchup right now! Sounds like a great show, as always!

Jeff Holland

Never ever am I disappointed in a Joe Dallas Q&A. Always interesting. Good job fellas!

Jeff Holland

One thing about the Puffer Pigs not being in Ahsoka. SW.com had an article a while ago about easter eggs in Sabine's Lothal Lookout. There's actually a puffer pig that she painted on the wall. https://www.starwars.com/news/inside-ahsoka-easter-eggs-sabine-wren

Joe Dallas

You are a K-5 music teacher? So am I - that’s part of what I do


I’m a life long Pittsburgher, nice Noah’s Ark reference! Recently joined the Patreon, great show!