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Our latest adventure is reaching an epic climax as our heroes find themselves defending Whisper Base from an onslaught of Imperial military might that looks to deliver a crushing defeat. With the odds stacked up against them, it's a fight to the finish for Pod Castis and friends. 



Justin Harrell

You know Jimmy is having fun when he's speaking in tongues the entire show.

Eric from Phoenix

Can’t wait to see what happens in this adventure.

Maddie G

Good fun! I’m glad Tyler brought up Abbodanza as the new rfr rpg greeting - if he hadn’t, I was going to. Abbodanza!

RobO from ChicagO

I’ve been going on a Seinfeld binge lately so I appreciate the quips.

Matthew Dillingham

How did I miss this episode?!? Starting it now lol

Eric from Phoenix

Had a great time listening. Thanks for the fun! Band of Brothers is awesome! When we lived in PA we actually lived less than a mile from Captain Winters. I didn’t know this until he passed away. The random Huttese was fun! Did Dr. Ruth show up?