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Now that we have our characters for the Danny's Diner setting all set up and squared away, we can officially begin to create the very first OwliGator Studios Originals comic!

As promised, your patronage means that you get a front-row seat to our creative process when it comes to bringing these original pieces to life.

Step 1:  Thumbnails.

Comics are definitely more difficult to put together than any single picture ever could be.  Even if the idea for the comic is simple, it still has to go through a multi-step process in order to create it and make it look good.

The first step is to create a written rough-draft for a script, something to guide us with but nothing solid as the nature of the comic may change at any time before the comic is completed.

The second step is to create a bunch of thumbnail images such as this one.  They serve as a good, quick way to very generally sketch out what's going on based on the rough script.  Sometimes we'll go through several of these quick thumbnails until we get a storyboard that we like, just to make sure that we're spending time telling a story, and not just creating a comic for the sake of getting it done.



Drake Arlin

Yay! Excited for this!


We're definitely excited to be getting around to this comic, finally!


Can't wait to see what Danny and his Succulent Kobold Cook up for us!