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Hey everyone!  Some of you may have noticed that we've gone back through the Feedbag Challenge Comic and updated several pages to reflect the current state of Seg & Agro's avatars (as well as fine-tuning a few style choices to improve the overall quality of the comic itself).  Unfortunately, when it comes to creating a comic that spans across a year or more, these things can happen, and we definitely apologize for the inconvenience of having to go back and figure out what's been changed and such.


That's right, we've condensed the past 10 pages into zip files for everyone so that you don't have to re-download every image (in the case that you're one of those folks who likes to save stuff for yourself).  Just check the attachments, we've provided the most up-to-date files for you in .png and .jpg format.  Enjoy, and have a great weekend!  :)


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