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Hey everyone!

As some of you may or may not be aware, it looks like Patreon is preparing to buckle under the new puritanical pressures exerted by Mastercard, banks in general, and the religious right as a whole.

Specifically, they are indicating that adult creators will have to start uploading their actual government-issued identification in order to verify that they (we) are of the age of consent to continue creating adult content.  Unfortunately, there's no information as to where this identification will be uploaded to and who is responsible for holding onto it (or, even, if whomever will have the information can be held legally liable for it in any way shape or form).

More details (if one could call them 'details' at all) can be found at Patreon's blog: https://blog.patreon.com/fall-2021-creator-policy-engagement-update

Primarily, we're reaching out to our patrons about this because we want you all to be aware that we as the creators may be forced to make a tough decision regarding the future of our Patreon.  Either:

A) If Patreon does go through with the policy change and the company responsible for holding onto the information can't be held liable for keeping it safe and secure at all times, then we'll be forced to close the site.  It sucks, but we don't think it's worth the potential risk of having our identities stolen without any legal recourse from those who are being tasked with keeping that information safe.

B) If Patreon doesn't go through with the policy change or the company responsible for holding onto the information can be held liable for keeping it safe and secure, then we'll probably keep the site open.

WHAT THIS MEANS RIGHT NOW:  Business as usual.  We'll keep working on the comic and our side projects and posting them here for everyone's viewing pleasure until our hands are forced and we have to make a decision.

In the meantime, if you want to voice your opinions on the matter to Patreon directly, feel free to hit them up using the following contact information:  CreatorPolicy@Patreon.com and let them know what you think about all of this.

Anyway, as always, we love and appreciate you all.  Thank you for your continued support!  :)

-Seg & Agro



When they start building a list of people who deviate from their values, that means it's the time to get out. Data leaks are incredibly common.


The data leaks are definitely of primary concern in this case. The idea that, in general, these companies need to start keeping lists of people's official information for any reason is downright upsetting.


I'm glad you two are on top of this, so I can use y'all as a canary and close mine down too if you deem it unsafe.


I sent Patreon a letter regarding my thoughts. If they go through with their plans in order to acquiesce to MasterCard and you two shut down business here, I will be discontinuing all payments through Patreon and seeking alternative means of supporting artists directly.


Yeah, we might even bring it up in the movie night, since we know there are a few folks that we both know who also create through Patreon.


Thanks for the support, Peameal. We hope that Patreon decides against this whole course of action, but we just have to stay on top of this to see what happens next.


Don't want to lose you as an absolutely amazing pair of artists. That isn't right, what Patreis doing. However I do understand their concerns about underage and possibly Pedophile artists. I have ran into a few myself and have reported them to the authorities.


The problem is that it's not about finding pedophiles and stopping human trafficking. It's about the religious right pushing their puritanical agenda onto everyone. They just use the whole idea of "Think of the children!" as a way to achieve their goals. It's just about getting porn off the internet, always has been.