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Hey Everyone,

First of all, we'd like to say thank you for your patience in dealing with this whole adult content creator policy BS with Patreon.  We appreciate you all dealing with the update posts in between the erotic stuff.  Hopefully this will be the last or close to the last post we have to make about it for the foreseeable future!

After getting no direct information from emailing Patreon a few times, we finally stumbled upon a post regarding Patreon's new ID policy and managed to get a little information from that:


According to the support article, we've been able to figure out that Stripe is the company that would be storing the ID information AND it looks like only the creators which are getting direct monetary payouts via Stripe have to worry about being ID'd.

This is a far cry from what we thought was going on as the information we were being given before was extremely vague and generalized.  We feel that this was on purpose so that Patreon could scare away adult content creators with this looming threat of having to give up that kind of information about themselves.  Though we're not sure, the mismanagement of this whole situation is highly suspicious.

Anyway, right now we are choosing to believe this means that we're in the clear as we do not get payouts via Stripe.  If that ends up not being the case, of course, then we'll let everyone know what's going on before we make any new decisions.  In the end, we are leaning towards doing everything that we can to keep our creator page open for all of you, our patrons and supporters.  We'll keep you informed so that you know as much as we do.

Now, back to the fun!


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