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So I think this is pretty close to what I want Quinn's Streaming Parlor to look like! Actually sat down and decided to figure out what I wanted the background to really look like. I'm sure some things may still change, but I think this is it. This was far more fun than I was expecting. :}




Haha, this is surprisingly close to the set design for our talk show / magazine program we came up with I worked at the TV station. It ended up being somewhat less ambitious than this IRL (matching couches are expensive!), but I guess some set designs for that format just work. x)


Excellent! That's more or less what I was going for! :D Glad to hear it hit pretty close to the mark! ^^


Looks like an awesome place to vibe and more :3

Drake Arlin

This looks pretty nice. Though I'm a little behind on the lore. I'm guessing this is for streaming some sessions between characters?


You haven't missed it, I've been a bit coy about the lore cause it keeps changing in my head. xD Though I can say for certain, Mesozoic Menagerie, is based around Quinn's erotic streams. So this is his streaming studio where all the naughties happen. :}