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  • 393442939.mp4



They did so good!!!😍💕


Lea Dan (edited)

Comment edits

2024-12-22 15:04:06 It’s crazy how sm got those group who can sing very well and yet they rarely let them sing live, cause they also performed at tiktok award a few days ago than mma and they sing live to the point you don’t hear the backing track and they sounded AMAZING
2024-12-18 11:14:40 It’s crazy how sm have those group who can sing very well and yet they rarely let them sing live, cause they also performed at tiktok award a few days ago than mma and they sing live to the point you don’t hear the backing track and they sounded AMAZING

It’s crazy how sm have those group who can sing very well and yet they rarely let them sing live, cause they also performed at tiktok award a few days ago than mma and they sing live to the point you don’t hear the backing track and they sounded AMAZING