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Inks! Colors next. The finished picture will look more Halloween-ish, specially the witch version.

Out of curiosity: Do you like the idea of a comic about the Breeder Queen's origins, taking place many years/centuries before Last Survivor?



Sierra Teylaas

That actually sounds kinda neat, I always assumed that she was just born as the queen and than started invading.


thatd be cool!


That'd be an interesting comic.

Stephen Smith

If it involves her being pregnant at some point, yes.


i would love to see her origin




Most definitely :D


it's not Halloween without the breeder queen ~.^

Julian Hartmann

Yes, I'd like that very much. That background... We haven't seen that much of it but the breeders kinda coat stuff in organic material, right? With all that talk about how hawt the Queen is... She's really a great homemaker as well, right?

dizzy ditzy

while it'd be interesting, i'd kinda want it after a bit of a break. Last Survivor's been going on a loong time now, you know?


This idea comics sound great !


Sounds like a great idea. She looks like she's have a very mysterious origin

David Pelletier

I would love to see a Breeder Queen origin story ^_^

Set Lin

Love to see a futa alt! In terms of origins, that'd be fun too; could always use more breeder queen ever since LS2.


Yeah, I agree! Anyways it's something I'd like to do in the future, but not right after Last Survivor: Final Episode.


Yeah, it's biomass/organic stuff, just like a xenomorph hive but made of... who knows what. She likes to keep her lair Breeder-friendly enough :P


Yeah, that's her biggest mystery! Nobody knows if she was born as a breeder queen, or if she was the first female getting corrupted and turned into a queen centuries ago. That origins comic would explain everything :D


There'll be more Breeder Queen in the Final Episode I'm currently working on too! :)

Sebastian delaBarra

"Will you walk into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly.