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This is the list of the TMM's experimental and fun mods. These mods were done mostly to test some new AC features or to use them for our local championship and to be deleted or forgotten. Even though they were not published to sites like Racedepartment for various reasons, people found them very interesting and there is still demand for them.

Here is the list of the projects. Some are finished, some not, but all of them are driveable.

Škoda 130 RS Rally (1.6)

Rally variation of the popular Skoda 130 RS, fully unique and legal mod, quite fun to throw around rally and dirt tracks. Fully animated suspension, decent physics, high quality sounds but rather obsolete 3D model... I love this car, but circuit version was always priority. 


Škoda 130 RS Hillclimb (1.3)

Hillclimb  variation of Skoda 130 RS. Visually almost the same to circuit version, but physics was adjusted to the real hillclimb version - stiffer suspension, slightly better engine performance, and 5 speed gearbox makes it quite enjoyable ride on the hills.  This car is very popular in Touge communities. You can't have more fun in corners than with this beauty :)


Škoda 130 L/A (1.0)

Started as a 130 L/R rally mod, ended up as a L/A unfinished mod :) If you are confused by the lables, here is shor explanation. L/R was racing model produced in factory, L/A was a road model modified to racing version. In real life, this car was meant to be a successor to the famous 130 RS. The mod, the same as the real car, was built on the 130RS platform with some adjustments, but since I had not enough reference pictures and data, I abandoned the project. But it is driveable, feel free to try it.


Škoda Fabia R5 DRTi Evo 3 Hillclimb (1.0)

This car is the succesor to Fabia Evo 2 mod which we made for our local hillclimb championship. I remember like I wanted to have fully animated suspension on Evo 2, since the suspension parts in the model were quite visible. But some people reported that the animations were buggy and doing strange visual stuff. When I wanted to fix it I realised it will be easier to do the whole mod from scratch. While working on Evo 2, new facelifted version of the model appeared on certain webpage so we used it to have better visuals and we named it Evo 3. This car was never used in any championship but the physics is quite decent and very fun to drive. If you like hillclimb, you have to try it. 600+ HP!


Renault Clio Cup X98 (1.2)

In my recent years I saw a lot of real Clio Cup races which were always very close and fun, so I always wanted to race Clio Cup in our community. I found a Clio Cup mod on internet, but when I checked the mod, I was not very happy with it's overal quality so I decided to do my own version with scrath made physics and sounds. Unfortunatelly, I was not able to get good 3D model at that time so we ended up using Project Cars converted model for this one. But since the physics ended up being very good and the car is still popular and I find it better than gen 5, I started again looking for legal 3D model and will eventually release this car in fully legal version, even though these cars are dissapearing from the real grids.


Cupra Leon TCR 2019 (1.3)

This car was the first result of our cooperation with real racing teams. It was created for our local championship, and had similar story to Clio. Physics and sounds are scratch made, but the origin of the model was quite shady. After the championship, any work on the mod was discontinued.  You can check what was our take on TCR cars in our beginnings :)




LFM should replace the Clio 5 with the Renault Clio Cup X98 (1.2). I find it much better.

Fuzo's Workshop

Even IRL gen 4 was better in every way. It was stiffer, used adjustable dampers, had better gearbox, Damn even looked better... In gen 5 you can see that Renault (or Alpine) is getting lazy. They stopped Clio RS production, they just sell more expensive versions of their standard Clios as a "RS line" but there is nothing sporty in those cars anymore. As a fan of Renault and owner of their last ever produced Megane RS model I am disappointed where this company is heading. Their RS cars were iconic...They want to go fully electric soon so I guess this gen 5 is last petrol racing car from them. Next Clio gen will probably be fully electric.