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The next scene has been mapped out (5 pages specifically) which includes Enzo and Daphne. This is a fun one since it reveals a new location aka Enzo's workshop. In fact, the 3D model is nearly done, so expect another update soon!

In the meantime, this is a page before they get there walking through Ohmsdale. I wanted to get a better shot of their location compared to the website since I believe there is a lot to show. Ohmsdale is a sprawl, some areas as dense towns with others as scattered suburbs.

I took some cues from San Francisco, hilly environments, and scenic vistas. Heck, they even got the hover trolly's running! Anyway, the workshop is coming (the model shots I've already scene are super cool). I even got a new ship out of it! 

Thanks for your support!



Laraine Hudson

Wow, Enzo is really growing up!