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It's been a long 8 months since the last update. I won't tease you any longer, as this has been a long time coming!

Cashmere Sky is getting published! This means both volumes are coming to print and will be purchasable in the future! 

Also, Volume 2 is going to be readable to the public very soon! Keep an eye on updates!

There are many more updates in the video, but I wanted to just come out and say those two things as it's a huge deal for everyone. Thanks again for all your support and enjoy the video!


Cashmere Sky Project Update 12

It's been awhile! Cashmere Sky is getting published! Also lots more big news! PUBLISHER https://fenrispublishing.com SUPPORT ME ON PATREON! https://www.patreon.com/cashmeresky Zachary Nall 3D Commissions Info: https://newt.works/ https://twitter.com/NewtWorks What's Up with Miss Katz Book https://amzn.to/39ezTNe Follow the comic: http://cashmeresky.com


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