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I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving (if you live in America). Before I head out to MFF 2022 this week, I threw together another sketchdump of a previous scene. This one is exclusively Arlo and Enzo having some brotherly moments. Some are goofy, others... not so much. This scene's purpose was to explore both of their personalities further as they eventually talk about some touchy topics. 

Also, my books came in from the publisher! Volume 1 will soon be on sale and you'll be able to order online! I will send updates to all patrons where to purchase once I receive more details!

I'll be showing booth photos and updates from the con this week as well. Maybe I'll see some of you there!

- Jared



Laraine Hudson

I love all the different emotions on their faces.


Arlo has a leg up on Enzo in the top right