A Log Flume, Ponies and Geology in Shikoku Japan! (Patreon)
(direct link: https://youtu.be/TwmgrhdU9fY )
Bit out of the ordinary for us, but here are *two* videos at the same time. The logic here is I felt they were appropriate to split into two pieces for proper "marketing" on Youtube, but ended up individually short by our normal standards and we wanted to make sure everyone here at Patreon got a good value out of them. So what we are doing is just charging for this video, but as it was just 20 min I wanted to make sure we posted the second video at the same time, of course it is *not* charged for. Together they make what we usually aim for, length-wise.
Together they are the final bit of our Shikoku series which we hoped you enjoyed joining us along. It was one of our favorite series to share as we feel like it shows a lot of what is special to us about Japan. Oh, here is a link to the second video: https://youtu.be/OPP85xzeoeQ
Speaking of Japan, we have a ward video (Sumida-ku!) coming up soon and we just yesterday filmed a video about the Ginza line (kinda like our Yamanote Line video from years back) which will probably be up in January.
We will also be shooting a series in Hawaii in December and January and should have those videos on the way soon after!
Lots more on the way as always, excited to share it all with you! Thanks for your support!!
-Eric & Kyde
Btw, for a sense of completeness I'll be making a post for the other video here on Patreon, hopefully it's not all too confusing. Hahaha