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Here are a few photos from our exploration of Tokyo's Sumida-Ku! We sometimes forget to take photos of stuff when we are filming, so we don't have many but thought we'd share what we got!

Click on them to open a gallery with a bit of commentary under each photo.  

Here's links to the videos: https://youtu.be/XJw7fCg7azA &   https://youtu.be/T7vnVZDw__U 


On the way for breakfast we found a dude with a Skytree on his hat.
Sky gourd.
Lucky temple taco.
Wow, dapper.
Who's on the other end of that walkie-talkie?!
A slice of a very good menu!
We tend to take pictures in traffic mirrors a lot, for no real reason, just happens.
The Japanese word for raccoon is "washing bear."
Big dude.



If they offered Kyde 200k to assassinate someone important. Would you be ok with it Eric? If so would you assist? By the way I already know she would do it.


A+ gourd impression from Kyde!