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For GundamSamuraiAkira who requested:

"A young woman with long, brown hair turning into a dog in a mostly empty movie theater, already fallen on all fours with her empty clothes lying around her as her ribs are still barreling out and her shoulders relocate to make her quadrupedal. She has fur rapidly spreading outward from her back and up from her paws, with her feet bursting out of her sneakers. Frightened, she watches as both her nose and tail begin to rapidly grow in length. All the while, the light from a flashlight is not far from where she is changing."

I leaned into a more horror theme with this one! :D




holy this is phenomenal <3


Ooof that's a really good one! Awesome work! <3


I love it! You should definitely do more dog Keep, my friend, because this is just sensational! Keep up the good work!


“Who’s a good girl, huh? Who’s a good girl?”