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Just a single pill did that? I wonder what a whole bottle will do...


Looks like this is a job for: “Super Pharmacist” From your ( 07-26-2018 )@( 08:30 pm ) Color panel__”The Pharmacy” My Oh My!.....You certainly have covered a lot of territory in about a month’s time. By the way, wishing you a belated, but sincere, Happy Birthday. Hope you had a good one.


I like it but i feel like her face needs to either look like she's having the time of her life (wantonly or trying and failing to hide it) or struggling like she's hauling the Titanic up from the depths. The expression is just so... plain? Is that the word i'm looking for?


Imagine how big her orgasms would be if should took another dozen of those pills =D


I get ya! The expression was different in the original sketch, but I changed it half way through. I should totally make an ahegao varient.