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Hello dear patrons, just to let you know, art production may slow down a bit for this week and the next as Im busy with gathering and packing stuff in prep for my flight home next week . Hope y'all don't mind and thank you so much for supporting me for all this time .You guys are awesome !


Zahlen 0

Get home safe man!

Tariel Sky

No worries, have a safe flight home and take care of yourself.

Emmanuel Barrales

No worries. Focus on your stuff and come back when you're done. No hurry. Have a safe trip home.

David Edwards

To be honest, I'm just impressed you can churn out that much quality work in the time you do. So I think it's more than okay for you to take time off to sort out what needs to be sorted out. Safe travels.


Lol have a good trip, at the rate you post content, There is no one on the planet that can fault you for slowing down for a little while.


Have a great trip. Stay safe and don't talk to stranger. *yetihug*