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Hey y'all, just like to apologise to you ahead that the frequency and quality of art for this month may be not as good as before. This is due to me diverting focus on long running professional projects that is under NDA , so my apologies !! 


Emmanuel Barrales

No worries man. Good luck on your projects. Happy Sunday.

Dapper Woof

The last time you said you were going to have to slow down you still made way more than I would have expected xD You're fine, and good luck!


Good luck with your project. Any chance you'll let us know what that project is when you're freed of the NDA?


No problemo bro. Good luck and have fun!


Sweet! Also, I'm happy for any art of yours I can see. You do you and rock the world. *Thumbs up!*


No need to apologize me friend. You are doing a wonderful job.


No probs Bach! Have fun working o- *silenced by NDA enforcers* (In all seriousness though, take your time! We’ll be here!)

David Edwards

Here's hoping everything is going well with the NDA project and continues to go well.