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Hey y'all , I had a long thought about the whole situation regarding the NSFW tier 

After a few testing and trial runs, Discord just wasnt suited for what I had in mind, and can demand a lot of micro managing. Therefore, for the time being, until I can set up a better and clearer method, we'll return back to the good old default system of Patreon posts. Sorry for the inconvenience y'all and thank you for bearing with me through all of this 


Steven Izzy

Not a problem Dish, regardless you have my support!

Emmanuel Barrales

No worries. This is trial and error. Here's wishing you good luck.


You know, it would be less micro managing if you just post your art there once. You don't have to repost it every week. Once it's on the server it stays there and new people invited to the server can look at it too.


no its because if you say change your tier , but still have an active discord invite, you will still be able to access it


Have you tried working with a bot that automatically assigns people in your discord a rank based on what tier they purchased? I know a different discord does it, and it uses Patreon to authenticate

Christopher Sharp

It’s all good. Still love the artwork regardless


Do what is best for you. I love the artwork am happy to contribute.