MagicaCSG 0.2.4 Release: Advanced Blend Options (Patreon)
I. Blend Options
click the water drop button above Blend to show more blend options. (green in the screenshot)
(a) Chamfer/Fillet Blend Type (blue buttons besides Material A/B)
Chamfer: 45-degree edges
Fillet: rounded edges (default)
(b) Blend Softness
Define the softness of the color blending within the blended region.
(c) Blend Offset
Define the boundary of the color blending within the blended region.
(d) Blend Opacity
Define the weight to blend color in Replace Boolean Mode.
II. Misc
Interface changes for High Quality Taper (bottom of stroke panel) and Two-Sided Cone Modes (besides Rhombus button).
Some options (e.g. High Quality Taper) are saved into file now.
Bug fixes and performance improvement.
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