The Captain's Hindquarters (Patreon)
Most townsfolk recoiled at the idea of spending extended time upon the high sea, even if it did offer a certain solitude that civilization simply could not. It was said that a ship as big as hers would lazily bob up and down even in more tumultuous waters, rumors noting how her sailors even lacked sea legs when they got back to land - so supremely calm were their days out to sea, whenever they were not partaking in the usual plunder, of course. Regardless, the nature of the ship seemingly made for a smooth transition into the taverns, sailors disembarking in an orderly fashion with salary in hand, ready to spend it on whatever took time out of their days.
For some reason however, her crew seemed less keen than others to visit the towns' brothels, their gazes bereft of the telltale fire that most others had when finally coming to shore after months at sea. The townsfolk generally chalked this up to the renown iron hand by which the captain enforced discipline among her sailors, though strangely enough there was never any lack of recruits looking to take up post on the ship in question, with the older, more seasoned of the trade seeming the most eager.
A mystery, if there ever was one. Life in town continued, regardless.
It was high time to introduce the Miss Fortune model, and what better way to do that than some booty-related business. I'll stop with the pirate puns, don't worry, but I do hope you enjoy the piece regardless :)
Thank you, as always, for your continued support and for all of your kind words. The sun remains scorching even if the weather has calmed somewhat, so stay hydrated out there folks and don't trust that treacherous ball in the sky to hide behind the clouds when you need it to.
Hope you're doing well out there, and take care of yourselves, and each other!