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Dusty, roads barely worth their name, and usually far away from anything even resembling worthy entertainment. But say what you will about the outskirts, stumble into the right hotel room, and you could still get your money's worth.


Quick wallpaper with some Cyberpunk ladies, something we haven't seen in a little while. Hope you enjoy it folks - yours truly have come down with something of a cold so I'm not really at my best at the moment, but I still did like the piece enough to judge it worthy of today's wallpaper.

Thank you, as always, for your support and kind words. Please do take care of yourselves out there, never know when some old fellow sneaks up on you in the gym and coughs right into your darn neck. With that in mind, take care of each other as well.



Nicholas Hernandez

You can never go wrong with girl on girl action 👍👏