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The daughter of King Aeetes, holder of the Golden Fleece, she was taught magecraft by the moon goddess Hecate.
Taken from her country by the hero Jason, after a long aimless journey, she was branded the Witch of Betrayal and left this world. 

info from:  https://grandorder.wiki/Medea 

Linearts part 2

  • Witch
  • Waifu
  • Hadaka apron
  • Succubus
  • Lingerie
  • Nsfw



Frank Leo


Densetsu Meru

I feel like the waifu version should have a naked apron as well, haha

Kurai Tenshi

The world needs more Medea fanart. Thank you!!!


I have no idea why she gets so little love. Not just in terms of fanart, she's yet to even be in a CE art in F/GO.