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Here it is, new update 0.83!

Given the many problems in this public, I decided to reload everything, all the errors found so far have been corrected, I apologize for the problems.

Launcher Downloads:

MEGA - Mediafire

Windows Downloads:

MEGA - Mediafire 

Mac Downloads:

MEGA - Mediafire 

Android Downloads:

MEGA - Mediafire

Compressed Downloads::

PC - Mac (MEGA)

PC - Mac (Mediafire)

What's new in this version:

New Tailè's event

New mini event Tailè x Kor

New Neon's event

New Neon's room

New building feature

New Love Room

New repeatable threesome lewds

New Isabel event x 2

New Cleos outfit

New Estia outfit

New outfit cards

Better UI

Translations up to 0.83

New Languages: Turkish and Portugese

Grammar and Bugs:

Some problems have been fixed such as Estia who could proceed her quest without knowing Jin, the train switch, faster transitions in rooms and much more.




Hi Sorry, you forgot to put the new content in the active missions option

Darth Falcon

None of the new content belongs in the quest menu. It's all girl events or other things which appear in their hints and elsewhere.


appreciate it, btw; dat face