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Okay guys, last sneak for the 0.84, let's show the remaining incoming events, for the main story:

Look who is back from the storm:

Let the battle begin:

Instead for Syxia, we get the last two events, that will unlock her card in game.

Lonely gobbo, what happened?

Get out the way!

If you've been paying attention, you'll notice crystals; the more observant will find the connection.

Instead for the lewd, in the end I decided to make the carried Maeve.

You will enjoy this in the new update:

Lastly, I wanted to show you the early concept for the rhythm minigame.

It's gonna be something that you will do with Neon, with ratings and scores

This here is the example:

Don't ask why I used the same arrows with different colors.

I discovered that I can use OSU to create beatmaps to use for the music syncro, I guess time to download Osu.

Probably I'll leave the test in game, to let you test this stuff, don't worry, I'll put better arrows.

With this we have full vision for this 0.84, after this I'll focus on making the famous test for the New Life in 0.85.

Good weekend to you all!




nice, may i ask when this is planned?


That beatmap thing is cool. Looking forward to the Neon minigame.


All that for the incoming build in the early days of December