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Hey gang! I've been reviewing my rehearsal and creation footage and recording my own commentary back on it. I'm testing this method out as a new kind of reflection tool to go along with the written posts (which'll keep coming, of course!). I've been getting lots of DMs on Facebook and Instagram from people, including some of you, and I LOVE the conversations I'm having with other creatives about this piece. If you've got thoughts, questions, or passing daydreams, message me or - better yet – comment below <3

Lots of work left to do, but I chose to focus on the transitions ('connective tissue') between the main shapes that I've mainly started to be able to pin down as 'possible' / 'achievable'; it feels like there's a lot of play possibilities in these in-between moments.

The coming week is going to have me pinning down which ones I think are most effective, and refining and being consistent with the movement quality I want to see in the end result.



(No title)




Shannon McKenna

These videos are SUPER cool! I live the movement quality that happens when you're in the half suction phase. I'm also curious about playing with levels/perspective to help you with the whole "how many people/what's going on in there?" exploration. Like, what happens if you stick your face in the front, but you're in a bridge, so it's an upsidedown face? And what about knees and elbows? Can the make contact in weird ways to have people wonder "what body part IS that?" I also wanna say that I'm not getting horror or sexy timez from this at all, I'm actually seeing more embryonic/womb/pre-human or even like alien test tube realm... Just thoughts as you continue to explore! Thanks for bringing us along on the journey!