My New Second Chance [EP 18] (Patreon)
It took a few extra days for EP18 to be released because I was handling some personal matters, but even so, I dedicated time to finish the episode for you, and here it is. So, what's new in this EP?
A new "credits" screen at the end of the game.
I found the old version a bit ugly, so I decided to change it up a bit, making it more dynamic and visually appealing. Aside from that, what else is new in this EP?
Fixed the APK installation error (the problem was an outdated SDK, but now the minimum requirement is 3GB of RAM for the game to run).
3,829 worlds
453 images.
35 videos.
1 Patreon choice.
16 Patreon images in the gallery.
New credits screen.
Story progression, of course.
Audio and music wherever I could add them.
Translation into English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Korean, Japanese and German. (Except for English and Portuguese, all other translations were done by machines.)
Improved English translation using DeepL.
Special thanks to the people who downloaded the game from Patreon, your feedback was incredibly valuable.
If you find any bugs, please let me know in the comments below or on Discord in the "bug-reports" section.