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Chantel's older brother returns to Atlanta with his foreign bride. The family welcomes her with open arms, but their speedy marriage sparks Chantel's suspicion. She takes her sister-in-law out to learn more.

See Y'all on the Road!





AnitaBonghit 69

Alejandro is full blown Mexican night club chic (Dominican tho).

Jessica K

23 and 32 = Sophie and Rob. I heard someone say that in regard to age differences, the older the younger person is, the larger of a difference is fine and wow I think this is very true.

Val McCue

My daughter has a friend in middle school named Royal and every time she mentions him, I do exactly what Mattie does with the Lorde’s song, and I get this deadpan stare from her 😆


I will never understand why these people give a rat’s ass who their siblings date or marry. I don’t think I’ve ever given a shit about who my brother is seeing. I’ve just always been nice to them 🤷🏻‍♀️ I certainly don’t grill them or treat them with suspicion

Carey Addis

Bi-curious suggestion: Royal Rules of Ohio. African family living in Ohio. 3 daughters fighting with a Karen-esque mother. Plus plenty of fodder for Poodle’s Ohio hate campaign.

Florida Stanley

I have been waiting for this season! Just when you think the Family Chantel can't get more absurd.

Missy Fuller

Boys, why can’t we get classless audio and video together in the morning? I didn’t think I’d like The Family C this much, but I really look forward to it!

Aida Flores

Alejandro is wannabe Latin Bad Boy from 2005

Celeste Demby

I'm so glad that you guys have the same opinions about this family that I do .. these people really gross me out.


‘Usury’ is mentioned a lot in the Bible. I was raised atheist,& remain so, but I read the Bible at uni as part of my renaissance literature course. Jesus was dead set against usury, IIRC. Yet another thing he supposedly said that “Christians” ignore completely!

Rachel Hudson

Did you all mean to drop LALU on the RSS feed before the episode aired?