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  • 90_Day_Fiance_UK_0303_... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_Day_Fiance_UK_0303_... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_Day_Fiance_UK_0303_... - audiogram.mp4



Charlotte develops trust issues with Johan, Jamie's big reunion with Kathleen is ruined due to lingering issues from his prior cheating, Sprite feels like John doesn't understand his style, and Nicole worries about getting Taher to the UK.


See Y'all on the road!


6/7 Chicago, IL


6/13 Charlotte, NC

Complete list of Cities and where y'all can purchase tickets:

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Even in college we put water in the cups and drank our own beers 😅

Erica Garcia

1) Man-e-Faces? I think is who you’re referring to. And for sure Prince Adam 💅🏽 2) I would diaper trip for Tom Hardy fat, slim, buff or with the Bane mask. 👅💦

Elisabeth Berry

High Street is so fun! The short north is the gayest part of Columbus for sure, but I’d say Columbus is not very gay. 🤣

Michelle Martinez Logsdon

Okay boys…you need to get the diaper story correct. Lisa Nowak was a former NASA astronaut that was romantically involved with another astronaut. But he ended it. Lisa drove from Houston to Florida in a diaper to confront the woman who was currently involved with her former boyfriend. She accosted the woman and pepper sprayed her. She was later arrested and the police found disguises, weapons and items that would indicate a planned abduction in a bag she tried to dump.


Let's not overlook that the astronaut who wore diapers to drive 950 miles was going to confront/kidnap and wanted to murder her love rival. She didn't really do it for a fuck. But I like your version much better.


The only way to do beer pong is to fill the cups with water and drink your own beer accordingly


I totally missed your comment. Aomtrye, but diapering for Dick could be a fun trend, lol.

Robin black

Diaper trippin’ for Paul Rudd.


Hey boys, have you never heard Daddy Yankee’s hit song “Gasolina?” The lyrics imply a lot and they have nothing to do with alcohol.


I’m diaper tripping for Henry Cavill 🥵


It’s so weird to me that Charlotte ignored everything her friends & family said, but a single conversation with 2 strangers was sudden enlightenment. Like girl, they said the same thing!

Abbie Murphy

I literally came to the comments to leave this comment! We always filled the cups with water and drank our own drinks! I think it was more so because water was free and was always a lot easier to clean up 😂

Mary Scheske

I honestly think episode 2 was removed because of wrestling figure licensing 😅 I had to change my VPN to another country to watch it on YouTube (I will prob get Max in the fall)

Val McCue

I’m diaper tripping for Pedro Pascal 😮‍💨

Miranda R

Slender Man started online as an entry in a photoshop contest and developed in to a creepy pasta. Poodle you might like hearing about the Slender Man m*rders from my home state Wisconsin.

Jessica Kooshball

My parents had a huge satellite dish on top of their roof. Hated it because whenever it rained and stormed, it would not work. It was on there from 1985 to literally last week.

Katherine Rea

I love when you do charlotte’s accent she sounds like Nigel’s sister 😂

Pauline S

“Diaper Trip” for Keanu Reeves! Jason Mamoa, Angelina Jolie, Kate Winslet, Jeff Goldblum (I feel like he would be into this)!

Missy Fuller

Diaper trippin for Van Jones 🔥

Starr D

At the end of a Christmas Carole when Ebenezer gives the boy schillings to bring the back “ The goose as big as me” didn’t the boy say Bob’s your uncle as he ran off?

Starr D

Oh yeah “The Gays” made the Short North popping and the place to be! Good call Poodz 😉😉


Bob’s your uncle is a British expression https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob%27s_your_uncle#:~:text=%22Bob's%20your%20uncle%22%20is%20a,when%20a%20result%20is%20reached.

Katryn Adams

I knew a Johann from the DR who pronounced it with a J sound, so I don't think it's just Charlotte pronouncing it wrong. Probably why Danielle's Yohan is spelled with a Y instead.

Hollan Read

Jaime looks and acts like David Walliams character in Little Britain. The one that is the caretaker for Matt Lucas. The resemblance is so strong! 😂

Katryn Adams

I think there's more overlap between Y and J in Dominican Spanish. I once had a very confusing conversation with a woman in the NYC subway who was trying to find the "jello line"!

Jessica K

I guess the UK people are the butt of the joke but I also find them funnier/more likable/more pleasant to spend screen time with even as they make abominable romantic and life choices. Particularly the women, but John doesn’t bother me either.


I literally spit out my coffee when Poodle said “We’re meeting her brother Scott” and Mattie replied “Scwott!” 😆

Laura Vega

“Diaper trip” still works as a way to say “That dick drive me crazy.”

Jessica K

I never played beer pong w water/separate beers - full on dirty way only 😂however I think the last time I was 26 and no I didn’t think about how gross it was.


Don’t get me started on the overlap between Y and J in Cuban names. Case in point, my nickname is Yuly because my name begins with a Y.

Jennifer Camacho

Omg “the Thin man” when Mattie meant “Slender Man” reminds me of when my mom said, “you know that movie “TELL THE GOAT TO SHUT UP” ….. we finally figured out she meant Silence of the Lambs 😂😂😂

Always Looking at the Stars

Mattie can go one step further with his go-to British phrase: “Bob’s your uncle and Fanny’s your aunt” - meaning “that’s everything/all of it/the whole lot”… while “Bob’s your uncle” alone basically means “there you go/you’re all set”… (at least that’s my Irish take on it!) ☺️

Amy Kalasunas

Those HUGE satellite dishes in peoples yards took up a good 4 ft! And if you were outside & someone changed the channel, you could see & hear it move. NOW guess my age! 😄


Definitely Jeff Goldblum! But I think halfway through the trip I'd look over and see he was also in the car!

J Jacob

I think mine would have to be Lee Pace. I love him in Foundation, even though he plays a complete asshole.

Shelley Harriott

Umm playing beer pong with cups of beer that we drank, reused the cups and washed ping pong balls with a cup of “side water” that had also been reused several times is 100% the reason GenXers are indestructible!!!


The short north is the gay neighborhood! At least the gayest one I know of in Columbus. I was so happy to hear you guys are staying there. Saw you guys last night, LOVED IT!!! 🥰

Meghan Murphy

Would diaper trip for Tom Hardy any day. With a full bladder and no AC.

Jenna Nunziato

I'm with Poodle on "dumb shit beer ping pong," I immediately changed my subreddit flair to that the second I heard it.

Liz Simpson Romano

I dunno if anyone else noticed this, but when I watched this ep on max there was an editing glitch at the 19:30 mark. If you watch John's mouth when he's talking about taking Sprite out to buy some new clothes, it's like they combined him saying two different sentences and his face morphs for a second. Super weird.

Mother of Peaches

I’m the sissy who tested Poodle’s trick!! 😂😂 my mind is still blown

Caroline Dickie

There’s one casino in Reno that always seems to have “professional” beer pong, or at least tournaments. I think there you drink from your own beer. I remember there was also a sports bar in the douchiest neighborhood in SF, the Marina, that had beer pong and flip cup.


Thank you!!! I couldn’t figure out who he reminded me of til you said that!!! Lou all the way

Charmaine-Joan DePaepe

Dick van Dyke says “Bob’s your uncle” in Mary Poppins

Felicia Buday

I came here to say this. We had a “rinse cup”. So gross to think about now. 🤢

Megan MacKenzie

I love that Mattie’s default British accent is Dildo Swaggins

Jess Marie

That astronaut wire diapers to go unalive someone not for the D!

Amy Diehl

This is so specific but Mattie's Charlotte impression sounds just like the Walrus in Alice in Wonderland 🤣