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  • The_Family_Chantel_0205_... - audiogram.mp4
  • The_Family_Chantel_0205_... - audiogram.mp4
  • The_Family_Chantel_0205_... - audiogram.mp4



A shocking secret about Royal and Angenette's relationship surfaces just as the family heads to the Philippines for their wedding. Meanwhile, in the Dominican Republic, Nicole braces herself for Lidia's reaction when her new boyfriend comes to visit.



Chelsea Rae

The children’s museum in Durham NC has an outdoor beer garden which makes spending time there with your children much more tolerable


I’m dying at the vision of Ben Platt playing Alejandro 😂


Also, the Strong Museum of Toys is the most fun museum in the USA. In Rochester, NY. I used to go with my friends when I was in high school 😂

Sara Cz

The clicking of the slut heels killed me 🤣

Carey Addis

Yes! Mattie! The Cincinnati children’s museum is so fun! They have a dance party room with lasers and a disco ball. The gayest of gay men works there. He hands out ribbons and scarves and dances with the kids to Lady Gaga and Dead Eye Dick. Poodle, there is no bar, but you can bring in your own cups and they do NOT check the contents.

Aida Flores

More telenovela theaters please!!!!!!

Deanna Kittrell

This family is messy as fuck! They have to be acting, right? People aren't like this because n real life, right?

Starr D

I cringed so hard at Karen and made a mental note. Not everything needs to rhyme, or be uttered, she’s not a rapper, those were not bars. 👎🏿

Erica Garcia

The production value of telenovela was 🧑🏽‍🍳💋

Pauline S

The telenova made my Saturday!!!!

Deborah Garbacki

I am on the train literally LOLing at you both and getting looks. This episode is amazing! The telenovela. The squirting 🤣🤣