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Nui is suspicious of Tony when he takes her to an Airbnb, and Ali's surprise belly dance lesson for Sam backfires when she meets the instructor.

See Y'all on the road!

6/19 Portland, OR

6/20 Seattle,WA

6/21 Vancouver, BC

6/22 San Francisco, CA

6/26 Los Angeles

6/27 Las Vegas




I’d pay $75 to tell you the tier I’m on will always be DON’T PULL OVER to me ;)


Johan's situation makes me feel sad. We know full well that if he had better financial choices they would not be together.

Amy Kalasunas


Caitlin Brooks


Brenna Parhad

I hate to tell you Poodle but the one movie Tom Sizemore isn’t in is Kill Bill

Dana Tabala

Lmao I freaking love Andy Capp hot fries!

Dana Tabala

Don’t feel bad, Poodle! I said Jamie’s mum looked like Jimmy Durante!


I’m pretty sure Tom Sizemore wasn’t in Kill Bill…

AnitaBonghit 69

Taher at some angles looks like Soja Boy, and other angles looks like Asuelu. And not on this ep, but when Kathleen has that toothy smile stuck on her face, she looks like that nice purple alien from the movie Home, but in disguise.

Val McCue

You nailed it! I was wondering who this guy reminded me of!

Erika D. 🧡

Yall sooo deserve a vacation!!!! 💙

Erika D. 🧡

I’m the 8%. 🙋🏻‍♀️


Am I the only one who thinks Taher is a bit of a “two face”? He looks so different to me in his confessionals, as opposed to his pictures and other scenes.


OMG. This woman was gonna die on the “whole enchilada” hill 🤣🤣🤣

Missy Fuller

Couldn’t you use the translation app that came with your iPhone? Just use the microphone to listen to the show. Just a thought, not sure it would work, but it’s FREE to try.

Becca Horsley

Charlotte has a white savior complex


1000% terrified by Tony. He seems like someone who could snap at any moment.

Laura Vega

I love a good Andy Capp reference! I want my next Halloween costume to be Sexy Andy Capp's Wife. ...or Sexy Miss Trunchbull

Laura Vega

Johan looked like a little boy in this episode :(

Hollan Read

He looks so young. I felt more like she was buying him in this episode than I have in any other. I agree it’s white savior and also it skeeves me out.


Tony is definitely scary. I can see him as a mental nightclub bouncer who has leathered patrons,& flung them down a flight of stairs


During Tony’s openings they’re constantly showing him around Sloane Square in South Kensington (very posh part of the city)…no way he lives within 5 miles of there 🙄

Megan MacKenzie

Not me singing “and he tells me I am his owwwwnnn” in harmony

Jessica K

Ok but what I haven’t heard about the un-recorded Charlotte show is, was The Family Poodle there ?!?!??

Jessica K

It did not even occur to me re:Tony that there is no house and wow that is 100% correct


That is correct. Manuel needs to tell Ashely “Tu eres el banco!”


I agree with Poodz 100% that this Tony character is terrifying. He’s giving “American Psycho” vibes. And I feel like he chose a woman from Thailand because he is banking on the financial power dynamic to call the shots in the relationship. He’s gross.


He’s giving “American Psycho” vibes


But isn’t this a tale as old as time?


Tom Sizemore is not in Kill Bill may be thinking of Michael Madsen


The biltmore in Vancouver is anti- fancy….watch your wallets, queens ( SRO Hotel above cabaret)


Not at all fin de siècle opulence at the Bilt!!

Charmaine-Joan DePaepe

So not all Egyptian schools are gender segregated. Elementary schools are generally mixed as are the schools that cater to the more elite/westernized (private) which are generally in Cairo or Alexandria. Bit even in areas where a school might not be segregated they often become male dominated as many families will decide to not pay school fees for girls or will pay longer for boys. Another thing that happens in Egyptian schools is that they have shifts. So maybe girls go for a portion or boys for the another. Also the gender segregation in Egypt isn’t just for Muslims. The Christian population is the same

Rayana Gilbert

Ali gives Turkish John leguizamo every time he smiles like a murderer


So Max pulled down last week’s episode for 5 days because of that tattooed arm but when I finally saw it this weekend it was still there for all to see. I’m guessing they had to run it by the legal department first and then upload the episode again.

Cin S-T

Poodle stop being a wuss, microblading does not hurt.

Katrina Coley

Bravo to that sissy!!!!


Part of the 8% that knew what Andy Capp was


Omg, sometimes I think he's hot, other times not! Is that a musical number?

Caroline Dickie

Honestly, I had the same thought. Maybe “whole enchilada” means all the content. Smorgasbord is a sampling of all the RG ridiculousness that’s normally out of reach?

Caroline Dickie

I liked how one of the teens working at the Charlotte comedy club/bingo hall started vacuuming by the stage during the meet n greet. It wasn’t even 11pm!


I’ve been confused about the whole enchilada thing since it started. Should be the $15 tier. Sorry pods!

Taya Zeig

I cannot look at Charlotte’s mom without thinking she’s ole Alfred P. Doolittle (specifically Stanley Holloway) in drag. It is just uncanny!