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  • 90_Day_Happily_Ever_Aft... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_Day_Happily_Ever_Aft... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_Day_Happily_Ever_Aft... - audiogram.mp4



Angela invites a PI on set who reveals if Michael is scamming her, Patrick plays referee between Thais and John, and Rob and Sophie argue about flushing the toilet, and things get heated in the hot tub.


Producer's note:

On this episode, the boys discuss about Rob and Sophie



ashley mignella

They tore our Chili’s down after it caught fire

Meghan McMahon

I died at "wanna watch Jennifer's Body?" 💀 Too. Real.


Uh oh. Can't let go -Mariah Carey not En Vogue. I hate to correct but it's my favorite Mariah Carey song!

Dara Medina

Kudos to Christine for playing out with Black Velvet

Val McCue

It’s such a great song, and I can’t listen to it the way I used to thinking of Elvis, thanks boys!

Amy Diehl

Those porn titles are just as real as Mattie's school mates names in Oklahoma 😂😂😂😂😂

Ketchup Flynn

“Fill” for feel is the Utah accent. See: Wild Whitney Rose’s “Hilling Journey” RHOSLC season 3, and everything every Brown says in all 200 seasons of Sister Wives


You know how you when someone IS NOT AN empath… They scream, “ I’M AN EMPATH!”

Sharee Lynn

I'm setting up my Catholic school classroom and my earbuds died just as "WASH YOUR DICK!" was uttered and Mother Superior came by.

Dana Tabala

I started singing it and went “wait, no that’s Mariah!” 😆 En Vogue is “DON’T let go” lol


I don’t like to correct but I LOVE HER! I screamed and very surprised they had that wrong! She’s starting another Residency in Vegas🥰


Being from Jersey I always have a hard time understanding! That and "pin" and "pen"

Katherine Rea

I’ve never seen someone on the tell alls look as miserable as Sophie. She looks like she wants to crawl inside herself

Jaymie DiSaia

I just saw Jay Jurden a couple weeks ago and it was a fantastic show! I love Mateo too!

Super Nova

So much content, I can't keep up!

Sarah Nagel

All of poodles side bars are so annoying

Molly O'Mara Fillmore

I thought all or parts of Rob’s tell all suit was his wedding suit! Still a strange combination.

Molly O'Mara Fillmore

Poodle doing the lord’s work with these life lessons. #washyourdick


I got Reality Gayed when my daughter (13) got into the car. Luckily, we’ve already discussed such things, and laughed so hard! “That’s Mattie. You’ll get to know him soon.”