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  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_The_Other_... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_The_Other_... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_The_Other_... - audiogram.mp4



Joanne reveals the truth to her mom before leaving for Ireland. James and Tatha end up in tears when things get lost in translation. Lily's sister presses Josh on his lack of income. Statler and Dempsey face a frigid first night in their van.

James /Tata: 19.20

Joanne/ Sean 33.40

Big brother corner: 43.47

Statler/ Dempsey: 53.03

Corona/Ingi: 56.34

Josh/ Lily 1:09.00




Every time Poodle does that Ingy baby voice I am ☠️☠️☠️

Dana Tabala

Y’all… that dress didn’t look good on her at all! 😆

Ana Patterson

Oh lord I was falling asleep during this Big brother corner

Peggy Ann

There’s a little John coming out in the Long Island Italian mother impression lol

Peggy Ann

Mattie’s voice for Italian Aunt sounds a little like Barbara Streisand

Claire Pancerz

I had a male friend like Corona - I used to call it “planned weird”. It was all for a reaction. I just had to disregard it. 😒

Cris Sanchez

I’m here for your fabulous takedown of Tata and James. I felt you were going to break out into Bryan Adams’ “Everything I do, I do it for you.” Disappointed you didn’t. 🤣🤣🤣


Y’all coronas story line is fraud. She applied for the show as a joke when they were casually dating. And broke up way before filming.

Val McCue

I’m here for Lily’s sister tea time and pragmatic read on their relationship, her ‘no shit’ face when he said “we’re hopelessly romantic”. I’m like Poodle, there’s something about Josh my gut says he can’t be trusted.

Val McCue

She has Stuart from Mad TV energy “ look at ME! Look what I can do! Look at my crazy ass outfits and shoes!” 😒

Jen Greenan

Does anyone else think corona has histrionic personality disorder?


Ok this is entirely unrelated but who else could understand besides the dick pigs in this Patreon. There I was watching the new season of Bel Air last night when I noticed that a new character, Hot Chef, is actually my former high school flame Joshua Adeyeye, one of the hottest people yall will ever lay eyes on. Do yourselves a favor and look him up.


No matter Tatha’s diagnosis or lack of, the gal really needs some therapy

AnitaBonghit 69

JoJo the dog has been sent off to the Island of Misfit Storylines with Jasmine's kids and Cheesestick's cat

Erika D. 🧡

Y’all’s scene! 🤣🤣 I love when y’all laugh or have a small hiccup. It Reminds me of SNL, or The Carol Burnett Show. It’s classic! I kept thinking she was gonna yell “SNAP out of it!”


Okay but why give up the once in a lifetime chance to go to your dream school to film trash for us to watch?!

Erica Garcia

You are a genius! “Planned Weird” that’s exactly it and I have known a few myself


I read online that she never gave up her spot and actually came back and enrolled.


He can’t. He has used car salesman written all over his face.

Jaymie DiSaia

Heaven is at/under the feet of the mother is also an Islamic Hadith. I have a beautiful piece of jewelry I bought when I lived in Cairo with this in Arabic calligraphy. I bought it for my mom and inherited after she passed away.

Laura Vega

Josh has a psycho affect.

Laura Vega

Thing is, people in Reykjavik are freaky, so she fits right in. She thinks she’s so alt, but everyone there is unfazed 😂

Erika D. 🧡

Josh looks like Kevin Spacey. He creeps me out!


Poodle’s performance of Joanne’s mom sounds like Salt Wife (aka Santiba’s mom) 😆

Alison Griffin

As a fellow enneagram 4, Corona is the worst of us 😂


Exactly! It’s one of those places like Portland or Austin, where nobody will give her outfits a second look 😂


"I have a sixth sense about VD" could be a t shirt ( w Nigel's fitness emporium on the other side)!


What a lovely way to say drama queen! 😂

Dana Tabala

She totally is Moaning Myrtle!!! 🤣

Jamie Katherine

I believe the not wearing Viking hats is because the ones with the horns on it is a stereotype and not historically accurate to what Icelandic Vikings would have worn. I took a bus tour there a few years ago where the tour guide explained this so I’m not an expert lol

Jamie Katherine

Josh feels like a 10 year old in a grown man’s body.

Dana Tabala

Poodle, your Long Island accent sounds suspiciously like Boston John’s! 🤣

Amber Atkins

It felt like that wasn't a first time thing for Tata and her parents. The way all three of them reacted 😬that's happened before.

Amber Atkins

Joanne's Mom kept reminding me of someone and it was bugging me but I figured it out she kind of looks like Lainie Kazan she gave off that same energy too 😂

Hillary Dunn

Josh looks like a coked out version of Jason Sudakis. Or if you ordered Jason Sudakis from temu.


Mattie and Poodle! It is back to school week here in north east Ohio and I just want to thank you for providing me with my entertainment while I wait in the bus line, ballet class, and soccer/football practice after school. You are appreciated and your work is valued ❤️

Becca Schall

“Shhhtrangah” hahaha so glad you noticed this 🤣

Natalie Duarte

Iceland is part of the Nordic countries, not Scandinavia. The Scandinavian mountain range is what joins Norway, Sweden, & Denmark together as the Scandinavian region. Even Finland isn’t part of it, but is part of the Nordic countries as well.

Meghan McMahon

Poodle, I live for your BB corners!!! Who is your pick to win?

Reality Gays

Thank you! You know, It is so crazy in there right now, and the eviction of Cedric changed everything. They are going to get Tucker out as soon as he loses a comp. I think both Kimo and Joseph have a good shot. I would’ve said Chelsie, but I think her game has been blown up. OMG, this is the best season in years!


She wore that outfit to meet his family!! Wtf?! She’s EXHAUSTING!!!

Amy Diehl

That scene with Brooklyn staring with that pepper grinder is AMAZING 🤣