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The Plath family travels to Tampa to assist Moriah with her music video shoot. However, Kim and Barry's living arrangements raise concerns. Olivia and Lydia Grace explore speed dating but find no one comparable to Olivia's secret interest.



Carey Addis

They should just rename this show “Coffee and Kombucha”.

Peggy Ann

Nah, I haven’t liked Micah’s girlfriend from the start. I got that weird feeling from her that I get from certain people who end up being complete garbage

Anna Williams

I'm watching the episode now and yall were right!!! Her bf was married!

Emily Allen



I didn't have a dishwasher until I moved to this house three years ago, and I have a mini one now, and it is amazing! But I grew up poor af and only had a bathtub until I was in the sixth grade. Lol.

Val McCue

You know Kim wished she could had thrown that hot bacon fat on Slender Man’s face.


It’s getting soo hard to watch the Plaths now they’re all so self righteous and boring lol I only want to see Olivia having fun, the rest don’t deserve airtime 😂

Tonya Beth

I prefer to do dishes by hand. Our landlord offered to have one installed but truthfully I wouldn’t use it anyway. It’s my quiet/podcast time at the end of the day.

Katie Lopez

Music therapist here—thank you so much for the mention of the profession! I agree it’s so great she already has this knowledge of how to write her experiences into song, it would be so helpful for her to have some to *process* what is being said in the song, her word choice behind it, the musical choices behind it, etc. she’s already put so much thought into her music but its like she narrates her experience and then the process is over. She could really see benefit from having someone help her *rewrite* her narrative—see a new perspective, show growth through her music and use it as a tool to grow, not just dwell in it

Edward Lloyd

I’m really curious now, where on the Enneagram is Moriah?🤔… I think she needs to go off to a nice left-leaning Methodist or Lutheran liberal arts college. Anything that outright denies the divinity of Christ is a bridge too far.

Stacey Bancroft

Kim wants Barry and Ken to get into a fist fight over her so badly she can taste it! 🤢

Erika D. 🎄

I had to look up Sandy Duncan…I did not know that about her. Awkward!!! BUT, hilarious.

Daniel Bower

I tapped out after two episodes this season. Has it gotten any better?


YAAAASSSS MATTIE! Go on with your demisexual self! Signed, a fellow demisexual ❤️

Starr D

Poodz! The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives has all the mess! A good gander behind the curtain!! Cover it!


Mattie, you have had success on dating apps….Instacart!

Jennifer Riester

I was going through a rough time with men back in my 20's and I actually told a guy that called me, why bother you're either going to leave me or die. He didn't call again 🤣

Carissa Mattern

I'm pretty sure that Olivia played music with Moriah and Ethan while they were married... Don't quote me on that. lol


I think every young person who dates men (who wasn’t told anything about men) goes through a phase like Moriah. If you are inexperienced, naive and assume the best of people, you will be frequently disappointed by men in their 20s. And if your mental health and self esteem are fragile for any reason, it’s even more disastrous. I think Moriah needs to take a break from dating for a little while to focus on learning to love herself. Otherwise, these break ups will always re-trigger her old traumas and worst fears about herself.


⚡️ demi is hot ⚡️

Liza Windmoeller

Mattie! What’s the documentary about people eating each other??


Moriah’s terrified preschool whisper is getting worse… Let’s just say, if she had called LoveLine back in the day, Dr. Drew would’ve interrupted her question to ask who abused her.

Victoria Ganann

Poodle: ‘Why is MO-riah in charge of anything?!’ ^^^^^^THIS^^^^^🤭🤭🙌 The reason why Veronica is giving us ick is because she’s a passive aggressive c u next Tuesday. I feel like she’s always testing him and it’s gross. Kim’s Ice Queen routine towards Barry is *chefs kiss*

Amy Diehl

They are really trying to make us like Kim Plath. She is actually being a good mom this season!! And her shade against Barry is the BEST!!!