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Joanne and Sean finally come clean about their marriage, and as Statler's panic attack continues, Dempsey is ready to call it quits.

Shekina/Sarper 13:50

Statler/ Dempsey: 28:03

Josh/ Lily 36:12

Joanne/ Sean 42:35

Producer's Note:

**No BB corner as this episode was recorded earlier while the boys were in NYC last week



Krissie Beall-Mohan

So sean was in America less then 3 years ago..how long have they been together because they have been married 2 years already.. so did they start talking the second he landed back in his country?

Emily K

Poodle with the Flight of the Conchords mention 😍

Kate Mantis

Lolllll!! The mascots of Times Square are something else. I used to work around there for a therapy internship program and every time I would break for lunch I felt like it was night of the living dead the way they would come at me for a photo , sometimes even with a cig in their mouths


I worked in the Garment Center/Times Square where these 2 Elmos would always have lunch at my deli. They would put their heads aside on their chairs and the tourist children would gasp on horror! I loved it!

Jess Durkee

I love that someone else says "old tomato" instead of ultimatum🍅

Val McCue

My brother and I were children of divorce who did spend summers/ holidays between two countries (sometimes three!) and it was not fun at all! Don’t do this to your kids, y’all. As parents, you should put your kids’ stability, needs, and wants FIRST, wait until they legally become adults and then make life altering decisions that won’t affect them. Just my two cents.


Team Dempsey


So I came after Statler last week for not coming prepared for this ferry ride - and I still stand by it. But just like Mattie said I can’t fathom acting like Dempsey did. Statler repeatedly said she can’t do this conversation right now. Just no respect for your partner.

Laura Vega

The most frightening thing about the Times Square mascots to me is the texture of their costumes. I can't stop thinking of how gummy and nasty that fur can get.


I wonder what the real tea is about Sean?? He’s hawt! But his story is strange. He overstayed is time in the US on an ESTA visa but yet when Noelle asked him does he want to come to the US he says he didn’t like it because he became home sick? Homesick but overstayed your stay? Something is not adding up!

Peggy Ann

The Times Square character people are the WORST. They will trap you for a photo and then demand money. Like legit chase you down. My advise is never look them in the eye. Any street performer or someone hustling CDs or something in NYC. Look them in the eye and they will harass you

Jennifer Whirley

How I missed the sweet sweet sound of the RG theater theme when you’re together! ♥️


Got to laugh at Noelle initially being suspicious of Sean because she thinks he wants to move to the US, then being instantly suspicious of him because he DOESN’T want to move to the US. I’m telling you, us foreigners whom an American has fallen in love with *cannot win* 😂


I know lots of Irish people here in the US who come over to work in bars etc for a while, then go back for a bit, then re-enter the US to start their 90-day visitor visa waiver timer again. Sometimes they get caught. Could have been something like that, but he had to simplify it for production 🤷🏻‍♀️

Edward Lloyd

I think you are so on-point about Statler and Dempsey. I’m on the ASD spectrum and life feels like an endless onslaught of emotions, sensations, stimuli, and thoughts. One of the *most* insulting things a lover can do is to “problematize” my lack of happiness. I know Statler can seem unhinged online, but ASD can be far more isolating than being gay/lesbian.

Jennifer Riester

I don't trust Sean. something is weird about the whole thing. I've never like Statler, not a huge Dempsey fan and am super mad that she was such a monster I had to take Statler's side on the ferry.


And he said he was banned for 3 years. They’ve been together for 3 years! It happened right before they got together? So it’s lifted now? Then why didn’t they come to the US?

Meisha Edwards

Dempsy’s older sister died, and it seems like she just never processed that. I think that’s what y’all are picking up on


My Tinfoil Hattie is that Sean is a shady MF and something not great is going to come out about him. I just can’t shake that feeling.

Tonya Beth

I agree. For me it’s the only thing that could explain why such an otherwise perfect specimen is doing all this

Tonya Beth

The Reality Gays Theatre theme song is my happy place 🥰🥰

Erika D. 🧡

Mattie’s accent. 🥰 Flight of the concords. Coincidentally it’s Wednesday. Business time! 🍆🍆 I’m with Mary Payne. Don’t love poop anything. BUT excited to listen. 💜 Hi Susan! 👋🏼 Shut the fuck up, Dempsey! She is so selfish! Give her a minute.

Meghan Murphy

There was a marketing email in my inbox from Athleta this morning with the subject line, “You need these two bottoms in your rotation!” and I thought, “Is this an ad for Reality Gays?”

Ashley Elizabeth

Thank you guys, you nailed it about Statler and Dempsey. I've seen lots of Statler hate for not being able to control her anxiety. 😕 I'll h8 on her for other reasons but her anxiety and AuDD isn't something she can help.

Jesika Roy

I remember Star Search!

Stephanie Keats

I’m the Sissy triggered by the mention of the Northridge earthquake. However, my main memory from that time is our family friends from Northridge (I’m from Woodland Hills) having to come live with us while their house was repaired. My 5 year old self thought the whole experience was fun 😂

Melissa Shauver

Adding my skepticism about Sean’s story. Something isn’t adding up with this guy.

Charmaine-Joan DePaepe

Dempsey is another Q-esque conspiracy covid denying nut. I’m sure in her mind you just decide to not be anxious And yes the being “comfortable in misery” is the experience of being AuDHD in this world that is not at all set up for us. Especially for those of us who were late diagnosed


He really tried to finish that sentence. God bless. “Bret.” “Brit?”


She probably thinks the best way to get a job is to “just walk in and hand them your resume.” But that would be hypothetical since bitch doesn’t work.


Yep, I was born in ‘81 and watched Star Search religiously.


At age 8 my best friend was a little poodle. Every morning after the announcements in my elementary school they would say “make it a great day, or not. The choice is yours!” And she was like “I hate that! It’s not your choice whether it’s a great day! What if one day your whole family died??” She basically caused me to be a red-pilled little child, which I was already naturally quite morbid so it was a good fit

Celeste Sekigahama

This may be a hot take, but if I somehow found myself in Joanne's situation I would NOT tell the kids we are already married. I would say we are engaged. Do a whole ceremony that they can be a part of and then maybe years down the line (when they are adults) tell them that we filled out the paperwork years before. I actually think that would be less damaging to he relationship with her kids. Am I alone in this?

Kristin Rhea

may we please have a poodle's diary corner sometime?

vicky hurley

I agree. The engagement idea & wedding would have been perfect. They could have not lied by saying they want to have a wedding. . What the children heard & learned is they don’t have a safe place because the people they’re suppose to trust are playing with their lives. These children are emotionally frightened now.

Jocelyn Scoggin

Attempting to put on my Mascara while Jake does Joanne’s Ma!!


I’m 39 and I remember star search 🤣🤣

Amy Diehl

Yeah I can see that. Then they can feel like they're part of it. I don't like lying to kids so you could say hey we got "paperwork" in Ireland but we need to have a wedding to actually get married. It's kind of the truth...