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  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_Before_The... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_Before_The... - audiogram.mp4



Ths is part 2!

Tigerlily struggles with Adnan's rules. Rayne asks Chidi to come with her to a hotel. Niles and Matilda share a joyful first meet. Loren hopes it isn't over with Faith. Brian and Ingrid go to a resort. Sunny pulls out all the stops for Veah.

Rayne/ Chidi: 19.15

Brian/Ingrid: 36.09

Sunny/Veah : 42.41



Amanda Bolcar

We took attendance every period in my high school, that way they knew if students skipped a certain class. We did not however get to leave for lunch in middle school

Allie Spickermann

Junior high teacher here! Yes we take attendance every single period- students would try and hang in the gym/study hall/cafeteria if we didn't.

Krissie Beall-Mohan

We got to leave for lunch in high-school.. they closed campus the year after I graduated..many days I didn't return after lunch..


What in Southern Stories do you let Middle schoolers leave campus in the middle of the day? We had attendance every class, our lunch was 25 minutes. In High School our parking lot was patrolled by Security in golf carts to keep us from escaping. Yes, Jersey was different. But we have the highest graduation rates. BECAUSE WE WERE NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE FOR LUNCH!

Krissie Beall-Mohan

I've had a giant retinal detachment and developed glaucoma because of it.. your pressure being high is so painful..idk how he wasn't going to the dr due to pain if his numbers were super high. It's like a migraine in your eyeball.


I am also a Rory apologist, you are seen!

Angee Harrison

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada and way back in the olden days when I was in school we could leave the school grounds from grade 7 (middle school) on and they took attendance every class just like Matty did. And we also had a smoking area, yes I'm that old.


Y'all, go to the deli counter and have them slice you up some American cheese - its way better than velveeta and will melt right on to those tots! Now I need to find those frozen tots!

Val McCue

Yes! Veah could definitely go as The Cat in the Hat with minimal effort for Halloween 🤣😭


My high school was open campus and we were allowed to leave for lunch. This was in the 90’s.

Hollan Read

Same. And I taught in 2013-17 and it was the same. And of course people didn’t come back!! 😂

Hollan Read

Former teacher here. Yes they take attendance every class. It’s to keep track of kids. If you skip class - or say you’ve been kidnapped - the adults need to know.

Ali Balkissoon

I’m not ashamed to say this, but I find Rory hot too 😬🤷🏻‍♀️

Dana Tabala

Or a 5 year old escapes from the building and security somehow misses it! That happened at my job a few years ago!

Liza Windmoeller

Not middle school, but my high school allowed the juniors and seniors to leave campus for lunch. Back in 2012 🤪

Scott Stodelle

When I was in 7 and 8 we got to leave school for lunch. And every so often we got 45 min lunch we had time to walk to jack in a box or del taco. And in high school we definitely got to eat off campus and I was in jr high and high school in the late 90’s

Alyssa Holland

I went to high school from 1994-1998. All high schoolers in my city were allowed to Leave campus for lunch, but nobody could go by car. There were several places around town you could get lunch; in fact, they relied on our business! I live in a little city in Kentucky near Cincinnati that is basically Stars Hollow, so everyone knew everyone and we were trusted to come back on time. They don’t do it anymore and those businesses closed.

Sheila Leigh

My MIL would walk home for lunch in elementary school. It was the 60’s. Now my kids are at the same school and we live in her old house…..obviously my kids aren’t able to leave for lunch. Wild times!

Robin black

My high school closed campus for lunch in 1986- my freshman year. There were no restaurants to quickly walk to near by anyway, so really only kids who could drive could do it (unless you lived close).

Steph 👩🏻‍🦰

Veah constantly saying “comfortability” is no annoying. It’s NOT A WORD PEOPLE

Rachel in NC

Rayne with the white savior complex thing, made me ill. Also Hungry Man African cuisine 😆

Rachel in NC

There was a KFC in Bonaire, a little island near Aruba north of Venezuela. 🥹

Katherine Rea

We got to leave for lunch as juniors and seniors. This was in California in the early aughts, like ‘05. There was nowhere walkable so you had to drive. And even tho freshmen and sophomores weren’t technically allowed to leave, you could sneak off if you knew an older kid willing to drive you 🤪

Jessica K

My dad and his sisters walked home for lunch as kids (right down to age 5-6) in the 50s and 60s! Unsure of when this stopped happening in my hometown but it was before I started school in 84.

Jessica K

Of all of the things I tell younger people about my high school/college era in the 90s the most unbelievable part to them is how many places people were allowed to smoke

Sharee Lynn

Whitefish Bay, WI. (1998-2001) We could leave for lunch and go to a friend's house or Taco Bell or Rocky Rococo's pizza at the Bayshore Mall. The class after lunch was choir and I was the secretary, so people would pay me $5 to mark them present #wisconsinstories

Katherine Rea

When Victoria asked if something physical happened between Raynay and Chidi I took it as less prying into their segs life and more of a bewildered response to Ray-nay’s whackadoo statement that she and Chidi have a God ordained soul connection

Edward Lloyd

I’m in agreement with Matt—Rory is hot. Put a backwards cap on him and he’d make that Most Woof’d section on Scruff.

Missy Luft

We had open lunch for juniors and seniors in high school!


My high school still does open lunch. It’s just for seniors and juniors though. We would go to del taco. My mom’s elementary school let them walk home for lunch and come back ALONE in the 60s.


I went home for lunch almost every day at primary and secondary school (Scotland) because I lived one block from both schools. Best part was, in PE when the sadist teachers made us do cross-country running, the route went right by my house. I’d hide my key in my sports bra, walk home, have a cup of tea, and catch up with the other girls on their second lap back. Did it for years and the PE teachers never noticed

Janelle McClasky

In Chicago (early 2000s), we were allowed to go off-campus for lunch in high school. Mind you we only had 50 minutes for lunch, so the same few places around the school were packed! I think the school is now closed campus lunch, though.


My school was a junior high school had open lunch but there was only one place. They only allowed one teenager in at a time. We got together before school and decided what we wanted and one of the group would go that day.

Elizabeth O’Connor

The high school I work at is open campus for all grades because ummm we don’t have enough room in the cafeteria for all the students we have. Whoops! Poor building planning! Also we do attendance every class period. Or else they… wouldn’t come to class. It’s also a weird legal thing too 🙃

Kathryn Telford

We take attendance every class (I’m a middle school teacher) because these fools are out here cutting class as much as possible!

Emily K

Mid 2000s high school. We got to leave during lunch or spare (in grade 12 you could have a free period or take an elective which looking back seems like a dumb idea?) We did take attendance every class though.

Lisa Paulk

My high school was off campus lunch for all grades, they didn't have capacity to feed 1700 kids in 30 minutes.

Nery Herrera

As someone who smoked pot in high school being able to leave off campus during lunch was a stoners dream!

Carey Addis

This bitch has a million chickens and couldn’t think of one egg based thing to cook? Make that man a Quiche or something!!!

April Verhagen

We had open campus and my friends and I would get high behind Burger King almost every day. It ruled.

Jana Wilson

I grew up in suburban Detroit in the 90s and we got to leave campus for lunch but only high school juniors and seniors.

Olga Bacio

Poodle in Plano, TX in high school we would get in our cars and go out to eat.


Baseline Junior High (7th-9th) in Boulder CO in the 80s we could go off-campus and would eat at Arby’s or Mr. Tomato’s

Hailey Huffman

There actually is a procedure that may have been able to help preserve/restore some of Chidi’s vision, if he had had access to it early on. It is called an optic nerve sheath fenestration. It is used to reduce pressure on the optic nerve caused by fluid build up/pressure from glaucoma. If done early, before the optic nerve dies, vision can sometimes be preserved and improved. It is incredibly difficult to get the procedure done here in the US, and may not be done at all in Nigeria. It also costs about $10,000 per eye. I had this done on both eyes and it took years to get approved.


I grew up in central IL. I was able to have "off-campus" lunch starting in 1st grade, all the way through high school. I'm only now realizing how lucky I was. I ate a lot of lunches with my grandma, because she lived so close to the elementary school. We had actual lunch ladies, though that cooked some food (and desserts!) from scratch - delicious! However, when instant potatoes were on the menu, that was a hell no for me (: In high school, I ate a chicken tender sandwich off the BK dollar menu most days, haha! Ah, to have the metabolism of a youth...

Georgina Toledo

I grew up in a town 40 minutes from new york city and our middle school was right in the middle of town and we were able to leave for lunch. The pizzerias all had lunch specials so we could get a slice and a coke for $1. We had 45 minutes but a 10 minute warning bell would ring all over town and then we'd just walk right back to school. The last year i was there in 1999 was the last year they did it.

Georgina Toledo

Yes! We had a free period in high school and you could choose when you wanted it to be so we always did it either 1st or 8th periods. No one took attendance so we all got to school late and left early.


As a New Mexican, it's highly suspect RayNay doesn't like hot food... maybe her alien overlords forgot to fill her in. P.S. RayNay lives within an hour of a few African restaurants and an international market, but thankfully Chidi escaped Chicken Lady so he'll never know.

Steph 👩🏻‍🦰

I think it’s less abt where she lives and more about the fact that she apparently only eats canned soup and hot pockets lol


The # of comments about their high school on/off campus lunch his hilarious lol & just so I don’t feel left out. We literally had a fence around my HS & a guard for the parking lot #florida

Rizzy Ramone

Woof. I hate blind-o-vision, but the scene where she’s ranting at him and making him feel so unsafe and overwhelmed was VERY triggering for me. You can be the most independent person on earth, but when someone this irrational and angry comes at you and you can’t see what’s happening, it makes you feel so helpless and vulnerable.


Was thinking about the Chidi story. My little brother was born with cataracts though it wasn’t discover until he was 5 yo. A short while after his cataract surgery, he stood up under the sink and hit his head hard. He couldn’t walk for the pain and was just throwing up. My parents brought him to the emergency and they did some sort of laser procedure to relieve the pressure in his one eye. I think it’s entirely possible that Chidi developed glaucoma from the hit (like his apple story) and perhaps the cataracts are completely unrelated. My brother now has two pupils in the one eye in addition to having different colour eyes but his vision is decent. Chidi might not have been able to access the medical care he needed to have a chance to perserve some vision. Really felt a lot of compassion for him in this ep. Glad he escaped the chicken dame.

Emily Kandel Miller

High school teacher here! We take attendance every class period. We have to call around to find kids if they’re not in class but they’re not absent from school. Juniors and seniors are also able to go off campus for lunch if they don’t have any discipline referrals.


OMG Veah DOES look like Mike Myers Cat in the Hat!!!

Colleen 🗑

I was in a foul mood as i slept like crap and proceeded to spill approximately 2/3rds of my full cup of coffee all over my passenger seat and my bag but Poodle's 30Rock reference (Never follow a hippie to a second location) made me feel SEEN!


Of course you have to take attendance at each class! Just because you’re at history class at 9:30am doesn’t mean you’re still present for math at 2:15pm?? And those are different teachers, so they only care if you’re there for their class!

Sophie Spahr

I graduated in 2011 and seniors could leave for lunch. I loved it! And yes, it kept local restaurants alive as well. It was a really small town 😂

Sophie Spahr

I think it was only seniors when I was in school. Used to be other grades but they slowly cut it to just seniors.


We were allowed to go off campus for lunch in public high school. I went to catholic elementary school (grades 1-8) and we had to eat in the cafeteria.


We never got to go off campus if lunch. Sounds like a liability to me.

Beth Askvig

I graduated in 2013 in Utah. We were able to leave campus starting in 8th grade for lunch.

Jess Lynch

I LOVED yhe Mike Meyers cat in the hat movie!!! My kids were born in 2006 and 2010 and it was one of my favs. Aside from the obvious tangled, despicable me, frozen etc it was such a goofy and fun movie to watch.

Brittney Jackson

Yall thinking there’s no drama for Tyler and Ashley is so funny now that all these things about him are coming out. lol

Colleen 🗑

Has anyone noticed that Rayne hasn't mentioned or called her children AT ALL? It's possible they cut it because there is PLENTY of storyline with chickens and such but I can see her being that selfish. Also I can see her hitting Chidi because she can't regulate her emotions whatthefucksoever.

Caroline Dickie

Bahahahaha poodle I’m so glad you enjoyed that cat in the hat pic. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it either. Loren reminds me of blobfish too.

Rachel Bilar

My high school allowed students to leave campus for lunch (juniors & seniors). The school is located in the downtown area with lots of places in walking distance, so as Mattie said, it supported a lot of local businesses. Altso, ✨it was the 90s✨ so I’m not sure if they still do it today.


I grew up in Tulsa, and yes, we left campus every day to eat lunch! I ate Mazzio's (Mattie will know) every single day of my junior year; yum! Weren't the 80's the best??


I graduated in 2013 and we had this, it was called “senior option” (idk why). I made sure to take too many credits my junior year so as a senior I could just leave school completely at lunch lol.


What the heck do Ray-Nay’s kids eat for dinner? I feel bad for them. “In America we mostly eat prepackaged foods” MAAM THATS JUST YOU DONT BRING THE REST OF US INTO THIS


Mattie, I had a way worse daily lunch than you in middle school. It was a pack of hot fudge sundae pop tarts and a giant can of Arizona Peach tea. Every. Day.

Stephanie Young

I grew up in Tishomingo (Southern OK for the non-Okie sissies) and we at at Pizza Hut! This was the mid-90’s. But we loved our open campus. 8th graders were also allowed to go off-campus because it was so close to Sonic that we could easily walk there.

Stephanie Young

High School counselor here! Attendance is recorded every class period because (at least in Oklahoma) if a student doesn’t attend at least 90% of the semester, we are not allowed to award credit for that course, students will get an Incomplete for the class and required to do something to make up the credit.

Caitlin O'Rourke

High school teacher-our students have open campus starting in 10th grade and can leave to get lunch or when they have a free period. We also take attendance at the start of each class.

Carey Addis

My husbands school was the same in IL. Years later we heard a study on the news about how many more teen pregnancies happen in these IL school systems because of the free lunch time.

Carey Addis

Growing up we had a chicken lady in our town. Everyone called her that because she drove around all the time with a car stacked full of old newspapers and live chickens and she’d yell out her window about the government. Maybe Rayne is on to something 😆


I always see Zach Braff in a wig with Veah

Kathryn Van Auken

Grew up in TX and had open campus lunch for high school in the 1980s. Lots of car accidents and sexy times at empty homes took place

Jen Greenan

Was anyone else screaming WE DONT ALL EAT LIKE THAT!!! To chitis sister while watching or just me?

Sharla Clark Bullard

In the 90’s in my small town of Panama, Oklahoma, we could leave school for lunch. I would get chicken strips from the convenience store and go home to watch Jerry Springer. When he said, “We’ll be right back with my final thought.” It was time to leave to be back to class on time.

Sharla Clark Bullard

We call homeroom Advisory or Graduation power hour 🙄🙄. Anyway, the number of times I hear from administrators to remind teachers to take roll EVERY. SINGLE. HOUR. Is insane!!! We have to do it for our attendance requirements. In my 22 years teaching high school in Oklahoma, I spend more time doing brainless work than ACTUALLY TEACHING. It’s exhausting. BTW, our students are no longer able to leave campus, but if there are no fights all week, they get to order door dash on Fridays.

Deja Bleu

LMAO Girl not hot pockets 🤣🤣🙌🏾

Amy Diehl

When we were in high school we left to go to lunch all the time. We could just walk to McDonald's or something around the school but never in middle school

Amy Diehl

I said the same thing about the candles!!! Stop letting those drip on the tables!! Lol


The high school here in my town lets the kids go out to eat for lunch!

KHo (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-21 21:27:42 We got to go off campus for lunch in high school. And we almost always came back.
2024-11-06 08:04:56 We got to go off campus for lunch in high school. And we almost always came back.

We got to go off campus for lunch in high school. And we almost always came back.