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  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_Before_The... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_Before_The... - audiogram.mp4



This is part 2!

Niles confesses his engagement to Matilda's family, hoping for acceptance. Bozo makes a shocking revelation. Veah confides her feelings for Rory to Sunny. Tigerlily and Adnan reunite in Turkey. Rayne and Chidi reach a point of no return.

Vanja/ Bojo : 15.30

Rayne/ Chidi: 34.18

Adnan/Tigerlily : 43.05



Abby Ziff

In the taxi on the way to the beach, did Rayne just wipe her hand on her crotch while she was rubbing her hand? I noticed they zoomed in to show she’s “manspreading” - so attractive 🥺

Katherine Rea

Ohhh I’m gonna miss Poodle’s Raynay voice 🥲 BUT we’ll be getting Florian back very soon!!!!

Katherine Rea

On a sad note, it’s really disturbing that this woman appears to have full custody of those 2 kids

vicky hurley

Team TigerLilly!! Nothing gives me more joy than this loony bird challenging her husband son


If I were Vanya, I would enjoy the rest of my time on vacation, set up dates, go to nice restaurants, don't make the trip about Bozo anymore.


shout out to the memorable, fabulous Ann Richards! RIP. "our nation turns its lonely eyes to you"


This is why I don’t give Bojo any grace. Yes he is honest but that conversation should’ve happened before he agreed to be on 90 day fiancé.

Abby Ziff

Finally someone is being honest about his feelings: Božo. Vanya is feeling so betrayed but you can’t make chemistry happen if it’s not there. Empirically she may be a great catch but as the old saying goes “he’s just not that into you”. Go enjoy Split Vanya. You can’t force chemistry- don’t waste your time and also don’t vilify Božo for telling the truth, the flipside is some guy BSing you for 3 weeks and then ghosting you. And don’t confuse his mom and aunt being impressed with you as a positive sign. Božo’s gonna Božo. You’re not a match

Abby Ziff

F yeah Ann Richards!! And daughter Cecile is amazing and fighting the good fight!!

Abby Ziff

Mattie!! Absolutely loving your comment about looking back and the shittiest you have felt is when trying to convince someone of your worth- whether in personal pf business relationships. TRUTH!!! Hindsight is a beautiful thing- use it!! ❤️

Amanda Hite

I love Chidi so much and hope he finds the truest love now that he’s free of Raynay!

Jocelyn Scoggin

Thank you Poods for covering The Last Resort🩷🩷

Abby Ziff

OMG you killed Quincy Jones! You sang Billy Jean at very end of episode talking about Secret Lives of Mormon Wives baby!! 😳🤭😵

Erika D. 🧡

OMG with the Ann Richards comparison. Yes. JUST like Darcy. RIP! I did love her, too. Yes-super triggered!

Steph 👩🏻‍🦰

I think Bojo is still totally hung up on his ex and also wants to be on TV. 🤷‍♀️ None of it has anything to do with Vanja

Alexis Rose

When Bozo sang the made up song to Vanya I swore it was to the melody of Alleluia that’s sang in mass of the Catholic Church! Maybe I’m the only one who heard it??

Jessica K

Me: “Ann Richards like the late former Texas governor?” I realized Cecile Richards was her daughter WAY too recently - they look identical!

Angie C

I saw an instagram post with Chidi and his sister and brother-,in-law today! They were smiling and thanking everyone for the support. ❤️

Rizzy Ramone

Sorry, I have water in my ears, but did Poodle just say “in like FLINT”?!

Rizzy Ramone

I was just thrown because Mattie is usually the dropper of malapropisms 😂 Also, on googling to make sure I wasn’t making things up, turns out “in like Flynn” WASN’T coined about Errol Flynn like I was always told. That being said though, I highly encourage going down the Erol Flynn rabbit hole. He was a horrible person, but a very fascinating one. Most interesting is he was born in the same city as me, (ok that’s only interesting to me), and he had a pet Tasmanian Tiger (which heartbreakingly went extinct in 1936)


My best friend's name actually is Brevity. Bre for short...."oh the ironing!" I cannot wait to play this for her

Cin S-T

I didn't know the name Melissa Pererman... it's Barbara Jean!!


I went to Croatia last year,& I have a sneaking suspicion that Bozo might be put off by how extra and dare-I-say -it slightly …trashy-looking Vanya is (sorry but seriously, enough with the pink) … I did notice that the women there were very classy and understated by comparison 😬


This is why getting older absolutely RULES. You know better, you do better. And as the years tick by, you take less and less and less sh!t

Megan MacKenzie

When Tigerlily asked Adnan what he would do if she took a naked shower pic he actually said “I would kill you baby, of course” 😬😬😬 obviously I don’t think he meant it but YIKE

Sandy Zickur

Yes Bozo is being honest but then they shouldn’t have been on the show unless he ends up falling for her? Otherwise it’s a sham.

Sandy Zickur

Poods did we catch that you are no longer seeing your male travel companion? We are so vested in your love lives lol!

Madeline Wysong

I think Bojo triggers me so much bc I’ve experienced the on-Tinder-but-not-over-my-ex guys before. They’re a special breed of fuckboy, bc they want to move on so badly that they’ll go through the motions ONLINE and then either ghost in person or go through with an actual date (or, in Vanya’s case, a whole ass vacation) and then do the “it’s not you it’s me” shtick when they realize you actually like them. STRAIGHT MEN ARE THE WORST!


She and Hannah from LIB could team-teach a class called “Sitting Like a Lady is Bullshit”


I was yelling at the TV for her to go visit other places!


I just want to understand how a woman who clearly cares about her appearance has somehow missed the news about “brushes” or “conditioner.”

Abby Ziff

Are you serious?? That is awesome!! Anyone have a Longevity in the family??

Abby Ziff

I knew a woman (friend of my ex boyfriend) who is Australian and an Errol Flynn scholar- serious academic. Wrote at least one book about him. She taught at the university in Wellington, NZ

Abby Ziff

I don’t even think the ex is an ex in the traditional sense. I think she was a girl in his friend group. How else do you have a girlfriend that you never take on dates and never do anything nice for? Did they watch TV together for 7 years? (Not that I wouldn’t love that in a partner) Ive also heard people coming for him for leading her on. Anyone saying that has clearly never had an extensive online relationship before meeting IRL, that has resulted in zero chemistry. I’m not saying the guy is a saint (he’s a childish buffoon) but speaking from experience, all the chats and FaceTime in the world can create chemistry if if isn’t there. Also, Kyle from Cray Cray summed it up in a very matter of fact way: he’s not jnto how she looks. She didn’t do herself any favors by using filters in her pics and chats.

Rizzy Ramone

Oh how cool! He’s morbidly fascinating in a Howard Hughes/ Hemingway kind of way. When I was in primary school we were taken to see a spoken word performance about him by one of his Caribbean descendants and it’s one of those things that stuck with me. In hindsight, probably not suitable material for 12 year olds, but Tasmania in the 90’s 🤷 it’s also hard to explain how weird it feels that someone from your home town is a significant cultural figure when you’re born and raised on an island in the literal ass end of the world!

Sage Morton

Thank the gays for you. I got weepy with this election and needed a pick me up. You are my emotional saviors! What the actual F is this country doing?!?!?! Sorry... positive feelings only. I love you guys!!!!

Jeredith Jones

Does anyone remember he said he had a Job? As a basketball player? This guy is just gaming her.

Jennifer Riester

Ugh, got past the RSS feed and now I have to listen to all the dumb Apple stuff - make it all stop!!! signed, an Android user and a computer website subscriber!

Amy Diehl

I absolutely couldn't watch Rayne gaslight that man anymore. She is almost worst than ANGELA!!!


Bojo is an example of a straight man with the ick


I'm shocked the boys didn't bring up the fact that Azan literally said he would KILL Tigerlily is she posted a pic without her shirt on

Jessica Williams

I think production was trying to throw shade (literally) at Vanya with the eye shadow shots. Vanya is LOVELY but needs a ULTA consult or something. That harsh pink just made her look like a bunny- and then when she cried, she just looked ill. But she’s beautiful- I just think the heavy makeup is off -putting.

Jessica Williams

And Poodle! Croatia is my bucket list destination too!! Ever since I watched Goran Visnjic in E.R. 20 years ago, I have longed to get to Croatia…

Mary Scheske

The ocean monologue from chickenhead really gave me "I think I'll just go out in a boat" from the series finale of Dead to Me, but way angrier


I went on a cruise in the 🎵Dick Riviera🎵 last year and our first stop was in Split. First of all it is as gorgeous as it looks and I would highly recommend it to anyone visiting Croatia! Second, the place where Bozo was singing to Vanja was in a place called the vestibule of Diocletian’s Palace in the old town. The acoustics in there are amazing! We saw performers in there singing, playing the guitar, etc. for tourists while we were there because it sounds super cool reverberating off the dome. As a local I am guessing Bozo was trying to demonstrate this to Vanja by making up a song on the spot haha. Okay I am done nerding out now just wanted to provide a little more context for why it looked like he just randomly burst into song out of nowhere 😂

Hannah Love

I could not agree more! She would look so good with the “no makeup makeup look”

vicky hurley

Renee & Bianca need to get together and stop infecting hearts & minds. They are dangerous. To think Renee has children & Bianca is pregnant….where is CPS.

Linda Coy

A lot of people are moving from X (Twitter) to Bluesky. Bluesky is really nice. Please create an account there! ❤️