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  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_The_Other_... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_The_Other_... - audiogram.mp4



James insists they need to return to the US and the realization that Tatha must choose between her husband and her family hits hard. Sarper hatches a plan to keep Shekinah in Turkey. Statler and Dempsey reach the ultimate crossroads in their relationship.

Recap starts at 18.40ish

James/ Tata: 19:03

Statler/ Dempsey: 34:51

Shekina/Sarper 46.36




I’m so over Tatas tears sorry not sorry. She acts like a child every time someone brings logic to a conversation, she just wants to hangout with her family all day like a teenager. James is an dummy too, but at least he seems to come around to reason eventually haha

Dana Tabala

YES! It’s a Delta Lounge! Not a Delta Playground! 😤


I love how James thinks his parents are gonna take him back! They already put him up for adoption, they got a better son now named Jim.


If Poodle doesn’t scream “this is mutha-fuckin TOW” it makes me sad 😆😆 I love to yell it with you poodle!

Cris Sanchez

Poodle, I need to know Team Jack or Team Sawyer?


Airlines don’t understand how much money I would pay for a child free flight

Tabetha Roadhouse

Tata has cried every single episode. I am also sick of seeing her crying face. If she actually explained to her family that James needs to support them financially and has no way to work there for a while. Not to mention also needs to become fluent in the language there. Its just not a rational plan to stay there. Her parents seemed to understand they need to get more stable before kids. I'm sure they can understand this. She's the baby of the family and it really shows. I'm not a James fan but he is using his head a bit more because he's been the one working and making money for them. What a dumb plan to bring Angel, a recent family nemises. I can't think of any other previous cast member propose bringing a sibling along and having the spouse sponsor them too. She acts like in America she doesn't have the freedom to go online and find some groups on there. She could easily find friends in the community. Yet clearly all she did was play with the dog and cry on the phone to her family. She's ungrateful and annoying and i can't wait for her andher snaggle tooth to be off my screen! Someone else mentioned it somewhere but when she talks it sounds like she has a full mouth of food.

Tabetha Roadhouse

Thank you for saying this! I've been sick of Tatas tears. Nice to not feel alone on my resentment of her building up in me lol

Steph 👩🏻‍🦰

Like many, I am sick of Tata crying. But I’m also sick of James crying. I was disgusted when he was like 😭😭 “You told your family I want to move back?! Now they’ll think I’m a failure who can’t support us.” BITCH YOU LIVE IN THEIR HOUSE. THEY ALREADY KNOW YOU ARE UNEMPLOYED AND DON’T SPEAK THE LANGUAGE. (Apologies for the caps but he INFURIATES me. 🤬)

Angie C

I like the airport lounge idea. Might be time for a double screwdriver and a dramamine lol

Deja Bleu

I think James is typical meaning he's used to modern western society.... I also don't understand the decision for this seasons grooms including the guy in China to move somewhere you cannot legally work if you don't speak the language ? It's a set up for failure... They have had enough time to save and have their own stuff or should have prior to the move..... It just seems a waste to go that far and wanna go back

Mandy G

The Adele reference will never not be funny to me.

Alison Gerrior

Why can't Tata find a job? Either in the US or in Indonesia? Does she cry at every job interview and scare off employers?

Hannah Goralewicz

Isn’t Last Resort taking TOW’s time slot?

Sara Cz

The mention Rufus Wainwright made me happy 💖

Val McCue

The show is called The Other Way but almost this entire cast is not staying in their partners’ countries of origin.

Julie Lott

I thought exactly the same thing! How is any of this "secret" when you move back to US to earn a living?!

Darcy Christ

As a long-time stay-at-home mom I see the Statler/Dempsey thing a little differently. Statler is belittling what Dempsey does do, handle the cooking/cleaning and van by saying she has “nothing to do all day”. There is value to what Dempsey does also. They are a terrible match.


I wanted to bang Sawyer so much, I know he stank like everything foul, I woulda bathed in it!

Sandra Munoz

I go to the Denver airport to go to the capital one lounge!!! I won't have it any other way.

Jenna Ausiello

Literally driving through McDonald’s as I’m listening to the airport lounge part 😂😂😂



Tonya Beth

I work as a data analyst while living in Maine, it’s possible!

Tonya Beth

As someone who cannot tolerate inequity of life responsibilities in a relationship, I kinda get where Statler is coming from. BUT I don’t think just because she works that Dempsey is her personal maid.

Madeline Wysong

Needed this today. Thx for the laugh boys ❤️

Alison Waymire

Mattie I have not finished Lost either for the same reason hahahah

Abbie Murphy

It’s the morning of 11/6. Very much needed the laughs today! Thank you Queens and Sissies!

Jaymie DiSaia

Beverly DeAngelo in the film adaptation of Hair (esp the skinny dipping scene) was part of my bi-sexual awakening. And I just saw Jay Jurden recently as well! Awesome show!

Yvonne Betancourt

Thank you for being here and for your content. It's been keeping me sane. Especially the Darcey and Stacey shows. It's been fun going thought memory lane


You don’t know how thankful I am to have you 2 to listen to today.

Jaymie DiSaia

The Town Crier role play is my new fave! Boston Tea(bag) Party is all I could think of! 🤣

Marisa Canfield

Not sure if this is the time or place, but myself, and pretty much everyone I associate with, is not well today. Will ya’ll do an “election corner” to help us get through? Thank you for what you do, and we love you.

Yvonne Betancourt

It's been rough but after a nap, quick walk on the beach, talking to friends and family and having the biggest torta ever, I stopped crying. Baby steps today

Reality Gays

I did record something today that will be on the B90 pod on Sunday, and we will probably say a little bit on the golden bachelorette podcast that will be out on Friday. We’re doing our best, but we’re pretty devastated 😔

Val McCue

Same here. I’m so thankful to be able to reach to this podcast and the collections (Thanks, Sissy Christina! XO) and listen to them for the next 4 years on repeat.

Jennifer Moseley

I always wondered if the song was about Rashida Jones? I got a little excited thinking I would hear the story behind the song……oh well.

Erika W

“Carrrrrlllll, didn’t Penny from Inspector Gadget solve all the crimes and get no credit??” (Adonis is Penny in this scenario) okay sorry I’ll listen to rest of the episode now 🫣

Katherine Rea

James is the husband-father constantly failing to provide and Tata is the petulant wife-child. If they could both act more like equal partners they might be able to pull themselves out of their mess but I think they both love the drama those roles provide

em shum

But Amazon backwards is "Nozama" good job Mattie 🤪

Reality Gays

So apparently she was going to take Rufus to an award ceremony and at the last minute her agent decided to go so she had to tell Rufus he couldn’t come. And that’s why he wrote the song.-m

Amy Diehl

I loved Shekina & Sharpers segments in this episode!!!

Tricia C

“We are an anti-Chock podcast.” 😂😂☀️