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  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_Before_The... - audiogram.mp4
  • 90_DAY_FIANCE_Before_The... - audiogram.mp4



This is part one!

Sunny and Rory come face to face. On the morning of his flight to meet Magda, Joe is nowhere to be found. Brian and Ingrid travel to Recife. Vanja hopes meeting Bozo's friends will give her some insight. Loren meets Faith's family. Rayne says goodbye.

On this Episode:

Veah/Sunny: 14:51

Magda/Joe: 42:29




Julie Lott (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-21 05:22:53 Joe called her Magna 90% of the time- she’s not gonna like that!
2024-11-21 05:22:53 Joe called her Magna 90% of the time- she’s not gonna like that!
2024-11-18 07:13:47 Joe called her Magna 90% of the time- she’s not gonna like that!

Joe called her Magna 90% of the time- she’s not gonna like that!


Better than Magma, I guess 🌋 😂😂


Veah doesn't need to be in any relationship. IMO she sees relationships as a way of finding control. She knows exactly what she's doing pitting these 2 men against each other. When else has she had power in her life?

Peggy Ann

“Take me as I am”? I think of Take Me Or Leave Me from Rent

Dara Medina

“This is a weird area” is merch.

Jeredith Jones

Im a lawyer. We call the place where Veah lives "Wonkaland."


Did I miss where Veah literally thought they pay for things with actual apples? I thought she was just trying to use Apple Pay?! 😂

Peggy Ann

She knows what ApplePay is she thought you could go to a village in South Africa without exchanging currency and use ApplePay 🙄 it was the street vendor who thought Veah was a crazy American who bartered in apples lol

Molly Kreutzfeldt

Jessica Andrews - THATS WHOOO I AMMMMM

Val McCue

I don’t find Joe attractive at all, he’s just another dime a dozen South Florida douche. His shrugged shoulders bother me, too lol I said what I said.

Hillary Dunn

Magda looks Nina Dobrev circa Vampire Diaries.

Abby Ziff

I know that they are TOW, but as you were mentioning Corona and Ingi, I wanted to share that while Corona thinks she is a maverick, her style looks completely lifted from a woman named Jewell Chambers who moved to Iceland in 2016 (her now ex-husband is Icelandic) and she is on YouTube and other platforms documenting her life as a Black Girl in Iceland. 🇮🇸

Abby Ziff

Agree! And he is too old for running late for an International flight and then having to go back again to get his passport. It was giving “spoiled teenager” or bro who might miss his $39 flight to spring break. And those cliche pictures of the cars and houses. Meanwhile he lives in some extremely average apt. complex. And the Gucci sunglasses indoors?? Ewwww


LET LOOSE. I said LET LOOSE!!!!!!!!


Veahs trauma is not an excuse to be such a shitty person.

Rachel Pound

I’m so sad to see Fabuloso the alien go! I hope they’re in a character bank with that gecko and others. 👋👽

Steph 👩🏻‍🦰

Magda explaining how her dog Hades (“the king of hell”) bit her ex in the dick is why this is the best show on television. No one can tell me anything different!


As a south Florida kid I so appreciated the geography lesson this episode 🤣

Madeline Wysong

Y’all…I was attracted to Rory in this ep…pray for me

Becca Horsley

I think you're mixing Seth Rogan with Joe Rogan. Joe Rogan is the jackass that endorsed Trump. Seth Rogan is a comedian.

Kelsey Rebman

I hope we get to see alien fabuloso again 😂😂

Jessica K

Poodle breaking character and laughing during the alien sketch 😂😂😂

Cin S-T

SAME! As a Jersey girl that grew up around his type he irks tf out of me,, typical fake Italian mommas boy

Val McCue

Different spellings, too. Comedian’s Rogen, and MAGA asshole’s Rogan

Kelly Jo

Gotcha Thanks

Ashley Goodwin

Poodle, you are the one to talk! You wanted to bone Doug from LALU. (Okay but he is kinda cute)


Joe overslept because he was hungover, hence the sunglasses. I used to do the same thing before every vacation when I was younger. Going on a trip= going out and drinking excessively the night before.

Jasmine Robinson

Ugh I needed to hear that last message, Mattie. My sister and her husband caused a huge fracture within my family and my therapist is pushing me towards creating a new tradition with my husband to avoid having to choose sides. Thank you, sissy 💕


Omg the penguin show is awesome!!! And I don't even like super hero stuff


Speaking of DOCUMENTARIES Breath of Fire is a good CULT doc on hbo if anyone’s into that stuff :)


I know you don't have time to cover the first 2 seasons of LALU, but I highly recommend you watch them! You have to see Clint and Tracy!


I think Rory is hot and I'm not ashamed to say so.

Jamie Katherine

The alien practicing his one liners. “Take my wife, please!” 😂😂😂 “FabulosO!”

Amy Diehl

That's exactly what I thought too!!! Rory was in The Color of Money 🤣🤣🤣💲💲

Caroline Dickie

I love the alien, hope a high tech monkey pops up some day

Caroline Dickie

Omg I’m the mod for the sissies of the carolinas group and every now and then I get the weirdest people requesting to join! Their attempts to answer the group questions can be pretty funny. Not that kind of sissies, people!

Dana Tabala

Kazaa and Limewire!!!

Pamela S.

Omg Poodle’s alien voice sounds like Stitch and that’s all I can picture now

Suzette Tamblyn

Jesus Mary Lort, watch the Lisa Frank documentary, Glitter and Greed. Perfect example of Mattys documentary issue

Jess Marie

Laughed out loud at Fabuloso. 😂