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Kim questions Joey about his drug test results; Troy clashes with his ex; Melissa uncovers something suspicious about her engagement ring; Rob reunites with his mom, but she explodes; Justine and Michael get concerning news; Daniel gets grilled.

Zeruiah and Troy 8:01

Melissa and Louie 17:50

Justine and Michael 24:15

Tennie and Robert 29:51

Bianca and Daniel 37:00

Kim and Joey 44:20



Erika D. 🎄

Don’t knock cedar springs, Mattie. Poodz, I’m sure I bumped into you at some point…

Kim Bird

Thank you so much for thinking of us retail warriors. It’s been a shitshow so far! I had to get a coworker to cover me for a few minutes, just to avoid a meltdown I was really close to having, a couple of days ago. What is wrong with some people ?! Love you guys! ❤️

Claire Pancerz

Some people just suck and unfortunately, retail and hospitality jobs get the brunt of it. Hang in there, Kim!!

Courtney Holes

"I'd wash my hair more" hahahahaha omg her hair is always so filthy

Liza Windmoeller

MP said on her podcast that according to Melissa Louie had the nipple piercing before prison and just kept it open with a bristle from a brush 🫣


Am I the only one who totally saw Tennie hit Rob’s mother in the face first like she is telling Rob?! Am I delusional? lol

Val McCue

IG rumor has it Daniel sheeeated on meth Coraline, she’s smearing it all over sochul meedia.

Mandy G

I keep thinking Tennie started it as well! I’ve just been assuming I was wrong. 😑

Mandy G

Just to add- That MIL is horrible and toxic AF. They all need to stay away from that woman.

Alyssa Holland

I worked as a lab assistant for a little over a year testing urine for drugs for a MAT rehab facility, and watching folks urinate to be sure they’re not using synthetic/borrowed pee. If we could harness the ingenuity of folks trying to avoid getting caught into something a little more productive, we’d be unstoppable. I saw so many curiously rigged up situations with bags and heating pads and hoses. Anyway, everything Joey has done since the beginning screams active addiction. If he were in recovery, he wouldn’t be immediately so defensive, he would say, “hey; I understand there’s no reason to trust me. What can I do to help you feel secure?” I think he came back with fake urine and a new test. I don’t think he’s being honest about the conditions of rehab. I think he’s lying to her about what he was positive for, and sure he can walk out…straight back to jail. I wish that I didn’t know this behavior like the back of my hand but every minute of this has been textbook relapse.

Bab Veto

Kim-berly needs a spin off.


The way I saw it, looked like the mom was being aggressive by getting way too close to Tennie, and Tennie pushed her, which released the dragon in Rob’s mom. Tennie definitely “touched” her first, but I gave her a pass because it looked like Tennie was protecting her space. I’ve watched this so many times, but I probably need to watch it again and again….😉


I remember MP saying that! My nipples hurt just thinking about Louie’s “maintenance” procedures. 😂


Mattie & Poodle: BRAVO for another LALU theater! I just wish this was on video to see you two. I was laughing so hard! K-I-M-B-E-R-L-YYYYYYY


Tatum’s face upon hearing Kimberrrly had the paternity test results was like that of the happiest kid on Christmas 😂😂😂

Colleen 🗑

Poodle: If I were the prettier one, I wouldn't have a problem. 💅

kelly stauffer

I started watching Love After Lockup because it’s on Peacock and I got my husband into it. He said “Every episode is a train wreck.”


Justine’s mom may not have been the most supportive mother to her growing up buuuut come on, when is she going to take some responsibility for her life?? She has now 5 kids with 4 different fathers and none of the fathers except for Michael (for now) are even involved. There may be a reason her mom didn’t want the first father in the delivery room-as we see he is no where to be found now. Her mom is also the one that is helping them with their house in Vegas. Le Sigh..Justine you have a gaggle of kids that you need to raise, the woe is me should have at least stopped after kid #1.


Mama Karen said that Troy left them waiting at the bus stop for 4 hours 😳. Troy could have went to pick them up and let Z go to the event first. I think Troy is fake as F. He is being performative always talking about “my daughter” but is not willing to put in the actual work to build a relationship with her. He hides behind Z as his way of getting out of his responsibilities.


I sat in traffic and laughed like a fool at the Kimberly & Tatum theater! They need a spin-off.

Elizabeth Marks

As a forensic drug analyst for the past 20+ years - I can say you are correct, Poodle. Drugs were more pure back in the day and you usually knew what you were getting. Nowadays there's no telling what all is going to be in it.

Kristi Burks

No! Tennis mushed the mother in the face first. Now I do agree that his mother jumped up but also Tennie came in hard when she bent down in the woman’s face and started yelling at her. I agree that the mom is unstable but as far as putting who put who’s hands first it was most definitely Tennie!

Garbage Titz

If we’re going by Real World rules, it’s whoever makes physical contact first and that was definitely Tennie. The MIL is terrible and deserved it but she was being gaslit big time during that argument.

James Pullman

Kimberlyyyy and Tatum could rule the world but it’d be sad. Lol

Jess Marie

My son was 10lbs 4oz. Imagine pushing that out of you Poodle! My belly was HUGE. Man was I tired.