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We recap the WHOLE 90 DAY FIANCÉ UNIVERSE. So come drink the kool-aid, kids. Find all our podcasts on our podcast network,  SISSY THAT TALK.

Y'ALL--COME AT US ON CAMEO! Book Jake or Matt! We will read you, sing to you, or tell you if your BF has BDF.

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Find Mattie! Instagram: @theMattMarr  Twitter: @theMattMarr 

Find Jake! Twitter: @jakeitorfakeit Instagram: @jakeitorfakeit 

Listen to our Sabrina podcast, called Bitchcraft. Netflix has us living for this show! Bitchcraft: The Sabrina Recap Show

Listen to our recap show of Riverdale…yes it’s RIVERMALES!

Listen to Mattie’s other ADVICE podcast, THE DEAR MATTIE SHOW!



Carrie Allard

I grew up in South Florida, left for almost 15 years and now I’m back and it’s 1000% class-less everywhere you go. If you come to Florida and possess any class, the authorities force you to leave it in a Greyhound station locker until you decide to leave.

Michelle Whaley

I am all in for an LA meet up! And I think the little girl’s name is spelled Ittalmy. The M is silent.


Y'all I am dead @ Jake comparing Jesse's dick to gas station coffee!! 🤣🤣🤣


As a Floridian (I was dragged here from NYC at age 12- the horror), I completely agree that floridians have dreadful taste. They know it and they have NO SHAME! I'm an artist living in an "artsy city" but I've never been able to break through to be very popular locally because they all want tragic beach art like what you saw in Courtney's house. It's all dolphins, pelicans, palm trees, and the type of shit you'd see in Jimmy Buffet's guest room.

Kesia Bellamy

I'm very late to the party, but Disney plus reeled me in with "Babes in Toyland" with Annette Funicello.

Zamber Zen

Haha just watched Hayley Mills in Pollyanna today with my daughters before listening to Mattie mention her in this episode.

Peggy Ann

When Poodle and Matty talked about glasses and porn stars, I had a flashback to a creepy older guy I worked who was hitting on my when I was 22. He was fetishizing my glasses. I’m so glad my manager was there because he told the guy to stop and go do some random task so I could be left alone.

Amy Diehl

I like to taste my alcohol!! I'm THAT friend/family member. If you want to DRANK let me make you one 🤣

Jeff Nagel

Mattie and Poodle just read my dad for filth for wearing his phone on a belt clip and he’s retired and I am here for it!!! 😂😂😂😂