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We recap the WHOLE 90 DAY FIANCÉ UNIVERSE. So come drink the kool-aid, kids. Find all our podcasts on our podcast network,  SISSY THAT TALK.

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Listen to our Sabrina podcast, called Bitchcraft. Netflix has us living for this show! Bitchcraft: The Sabrina Recap Show

Listen to our recap show of Riverdale…yes it’s RIVERMALES!

Listen to Mattie’s other ADVICE podcast, THE DEAR MATTIE SHOW!



Megan Goad

Omg Poodle I have so much empathy for you with your Dad never showing support in your musical talent. My Mother refused to go to any of my choir concerts. Even her parents (who helped raise us) shamed her for not supporting me. She went to every single event my brother decided to do, which wasn't much. Luckily my friends mom's would be there for me too. But man me walking home in my choir dress crying is not a life I'd wish on anyone lmao.

Jenny Murray

Well shit I just got caught singing the theme song out loud at work. To make it worse I’m listening through my AirPods. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

Kat Vega

I thought I was the only one singing along! I even do the “the key to what Poodle” line. 😂

Jenn O'Kane

How the fuck did they cut “I Feel Pretty”?!?!?’

Natalie MacRae

I too used to carry a large purse. Back in my clubbing days my friends made me hold on to their keys and phones. That is until one night when I left the club with a gentleman forgetting I had their keys in my bag and they had to find a ride home.... my bad. In my defense, I was dickmotized

Haley Langel

There is a conspiracy theory that this actually isn’t the first time that Jon and Rachel met and that the baby is actually his 😂

Christopher Galvin

I’m a stay-at-home dad. I hate it when people tell me how great it is that I’m taking care of my son. I’m his father I’m supposed to take care of my child. Also, don’t ever say that a dad is babysitting. No, he is taking care of his child. It is nothing he should be receiving praise for, it should be the expectation.


Scott's Cheap Flights! Mattie knows what's up!

Amy Diehl

Y'all are spot on w the inequality thing w dads and moms. I hate when ppl fawn all over dads for just being a parent. I feel like even sometimes their own wives do it. I have seen women post things on social media like "my husband is so great he took care of the kids while I was sick" And I'm like okay that's what he's supposed to do he's their dad lol.